let’s call this one quits already
Today was a lousy day. I mean. I don’t even think I have what it takes to type it out and turn it into a story. I know I’m due a post about the Plexus Pink Drink Experiment. I have a cute article about picking apples with kids to post. I’m sure one of my children said something adorable or…
piper finnian says …..
Lying in bed one night recently, Piper Finn sits up quickly with a bit of a gasp. “Oh my word,” she says to me. “Underneath my silly bands is party of germs!”
trash day.
Tuesday is Trash Day. I dislike Trash Day. (Just as I dislike putting air in my tires and gas in the tank of my car.) I set an alarm on my phone to remind me that the trash needs to be down by the mailbox before 7 a.m. Wednesday morning. Which means I should haul it down the driveway Tuesday night.…
poetry and tea.
Last week I borrowed a homeschooling idea from a friend. Because that’s what we all do – right? Earlier in the week, I invited the kids to meet me on Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. at our kitchen table. They were invited to bring a stuffed friend, a happy heart and a poem to share. I wrote it on our…
school words from a wilde fox.
We are working on our math and Otto looks up at me, surprise in his bright blue eyes, “Mom. I actually like school.” I grin at this last scholar of mine and pat his growing little man back. We move on to a new-to-us program called Draw-Write-Now that I am thoroughly enjoying. Otto has learned to take special pride in…
leaky tire. leaky life.
The Suburban’s back right tire has a slow leak. (As if having 258,000 miles wasn’t problem enough. Also the leather is torn right where my left leg hits every single day. There’s this weird continual dampness in the back right and I have to remind myself never to store my suitcase there on trips. And it smells like feet. Stinky…
wisdom from harper lee
I made myself reread Harper Lee’s famous novel To Kill A Mockingbird this summer before I would allow myself to begin her summer release of Go Set a Watchman. (And no, sadly, I have not finished the new novel yet. I’m just so slow at reading books these days. My nights are busy and my days are busy and my brain…
Gleaning With The Society of St. Andrew
We have spent past seasons of our lives sustained by the support of generous friends and family. We are currently in a season of community care and absolute dependence on God for our daily bread. Certain types of suffering bring particular scripture closer and more vividly to mind. “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or…
The Pink Drink, Plexus and Peddling Your Wares
If Facebook has taught us anything it’s that there are about one hundred and thirty two bazillion ways that people try to start their own businesses and promote their own products. And that there are approximately eighty two gazillion products that we can try to get fit, stay slim, reverse aging, feel younger, look younger, turn back the clock, be our best…
that time at the park when the wheels came undone
We’ve never really lived in a house with a concrete driveway that leant itself to safe bike riding for children. Therefore, the kids have always been late comers to the biking world. Piper Finnian still needs training wheels. And that’s alright with me. Recently, Bergen outgrew his bike and we realized it was a good fit for Piper. I bought…
the winner …..
You guys. I think giveaways are really fun. I’m so glad the kind folks at FoodWorks said yes! to sharing their clever product of the IcePop Makers. I let Piper draw the number for the winner this time. And the winner of their very own set of IcePop Makers is ……… (Man. In writing, this is pretty anti-climatic!) Gretchen Phelps!…
the prayers of a wilde fox
He prays like this — earnest and sincere ….. God, please help the Forrests as they fly to Bangladesh and maybe they are still on the plane. Maybe not. And. Please God. Help no more of our toads escape under the house.
when they asked . . .
It was a simple request. “Come dance with us.” But we were so comfortable. The grown ups all lounging on the patio, fire crackling far more for ambience and effigy burning than for warmth or need, relaxing from the overdose of tacos and chocolate cake. And what none of us wanted to do was to get up, to dance. Sitting…