Uncle Sam and You: A Timberdoodle Review
I’ve always enjoyed our Ambleside and Charlotte Mason inspired history “curriculum”, which is actually not a traditional curriculum at all, but a guided list of non text book readings about history and historical characters. The past two years we have enjoyed the whole family approach of the Simply Charlotte Mason history guides. I admit, I did find myself a…
what I learned at the parade
The people watching at a well attended event is pretty much as interesting as the event itself. I mean, sometimes. Somehow, despite living in this area for nine years now I think, we have never made it to the “big city” Christmas parade. (We are faithful attendees of our small town version.) This year the timing was right, we…
Five Finds Friday (picking out a Christmas tree and eating Chinese food)
It sort of didn’t feel like Friday last week because I didn’t do one of these routine little posts. Funny how small habits keep you on schedule. But I’m all on track this week and there’s no holiday pushing at our backs so here we go ….. FUNNY I mean, I think my kids are funny.…
The Fallacy Detective: A Timberdoodle Review
I can’t believe my year working with Timberdoodle is drawing to a close. A year? I mean, we aren’t quite there yet – but almost! Every item I’ve received from Timberdoodle has been a new-to-me choice. Until this review. The Fallacy Detective was a logic book that I purchased and worked through wth Riley back in the…
not according to plan, but maybe exactly according to plan
This week has not gone as planned. Pretty much not one part of it. The meals were planned ahead of time – written on the board and everything. But we haven’t followed too many of them just yet. I know it’s only mid-week, on the front side of that, even. But it’s still been a messy week. I’m…
Beautiful, Wearable Art : The People Who Make It & A Code For You To Buy It On Sale
I first noticed her because of her arm warmers. It’s true. I was signing my Piper into the three-year-old nursery at our church and I didn’t know many people there yet and I loved those arm warmers. Also, Piper Finn liked Melanie too. That was a big deal. Piper dreaded Sundays because the transition from hanging out with…
good vs. evil. let the one outshine the other.
It’s been Romans all year. Last school year the Romans were the subject of our history curriculum. For most of this year, the sermons at my church have focused on a close verse by verse study of the book of Romans. It’s been on my mind; you can see why. The last part of Romans 16:19 says . . .…
And the winner is …….
We’ve got a little business to take care of today! It was fun to interview Rachael at Twinflower Heights and to GIVE AWAY a fun gigantic height ruler! So – let’s do that now. You know – the giveaway part. After a super complicated procedure where my youngest son wrote down all the names on paper and then he…
A Little Black Friday Giveaway
Thanksgiving was lovely. Simple and well spent. Full of far too much food, games of Monopoly that lasted just sightly longer than they should with victory just out of reach for me. Our table was loaded with friends and family and sweet potato pie and grateful hearts. I’m not really into whatever comes after Thanksgiving day unless it involves…
The Instant Pot: A Review
Months ago – was it this summer? – someone shared an Amazon deal on their Facebook page about this little creation called The Instant Pot. I had never heard of it. The comments were aglow with praise for this magical pot. I chimed in with a few questions about why this deal should be scooped up and why –…
Aquarelle: A Timberdoodle Review
Watercolor is one of those artistic endeavors that both intimidates and frustrates me. The intimidation part stems from the fact that I find blending colors and controlling the amount of water vs. the amount of color difficult. That color wheel graphic just doesn’t live icy mind as vividly as it does in an artist’s mind. The frustrating…
spinning plates ….
Imagine a monkey standing on one leg. Imagine he is spinning six plates on his left hand. Imagine he is also eating his dinner. Furthermore, someone is pelting him with water balloons. Additionally, he is reading a novel out loud to a room full of other monkeys. All while standing on hot coals with his bare monkey feet. Is…
Five Finds Friday (fried eggs, pricey skirts and funny kids)
FUNNY While lying in bed this week, my youngest son and I started a discussion about the quantity of hair upon his seven year old legs. “I have tons,” he said. To which I agreed. And then he said, “Sometimes I lick it. It’s salty.” FASHIONABLE During legging season, I like to wear them.…