you might need a prescription for this sort of whiplash
The table was loaded with the wreckage of the birthday breakfast. It. Was. A. Mess. Cold leftover scrambled eggs on several plates. Sticky syrup, half empty juice cups, chairs pushed back, cloth napkins scattered across the table top. My life felt exactly like that table. It was a crystal clear moment. This table is my life. A gigantic mess…
a little full circle story (and a little awkward story too): The Time I Met Andrew Peterson
Sometimes you get to see how it all comes together. Or, how bits and pieces of a story all come together. Sometimes you get to hear about ridiculous ways in which I behave and the special knack I have for saying the oddball comment out loud. Sometimes one single blog post features both of those things – the coming…
Five Finds Friday (blurry faces and making it to Friday)
This was supposed to be a full week. But mostly things were delayed, postponed, cancelled, skipped or finished halfway. I’ve been pretty “under the weather” for most of the days. We’ve watched a record number of movies this week. I tried to make one of them about Aaron Copland, this term’s composer, and about St. Patrick’s Day and movies…
when the day takes control of you
Is it possible for a day to just want to sabotage you? No? Days don’t have the ability to act themselves? Fine. Alright. But a week – it has the power – doesn’t it? Because I’m thinking that the evidence of my life is sort of proving my point. Actually, this is all pretty tongue in check (as if…
Spring Scents Can Be Yours – A Grove Collaborative Giveaway
It’s been a few months since I’ve been able to offer a Grove Collaborative giveaway. If you’re new to Grove Collaborative – it’s a website that works like an online pantry sort of. You sign up for an online subscription and you pick the products that you use regularly – or that you want to buy in general. You’ll…
Pausing doubt. I don’t even know how long ago the leaders at our church taught a sermon series about doubt. The ideas from that series have rattled around in my mind for months – maybe a year. Which means that by now it’s trickled into regular thoughts and both morphed and grown from what I originally heard. In other…
Five Finds Friday (it used to be a quarter and strong backs)
Whew. It has been a full – but also a really good – week. I want to watch a movie Friday night. What’s something great that I’ll love? I want to watch it at home. I want it to be slightly meaningful but not an all out drama – less Still Alice and more Walter Mitty. I’d love to…
and another post of the remains of the day
Today I ran a lot of errands. Back and forth in the car. Counseling. Library. Bank. Taxes. Vet. Art Class. It probably wasn’t that much, but it felt like a lot. And yet somehow I never made it by a store to purchase much needed toilet paper. Are we the only family that runs out of toilet paper unexpectedly?…
when you talk to me on the street, IF you talk to me on the street
It’s happened just enough times to feel like a “thing”. Just enough times to be both still surprising but also …. something else. It’s a novelty really. I’m away from home. At an event of any sort. Someone walks up to me, a stranger. And says they know me from reading the blog. (I’m always in my hometown, guys…
a game of sorts and a day of sorts
I’m two steps behind myself. (I’m like Bergen Hawkeye in this picture – a sort of blur.) I’m fiercely fighting getting sick. I’ve pretty much told myself, “No. You do not have the time to allow that to happen.” And so I am applying and diffusing oils as if I am true believer and I am gargling…
Think of the extra time I would have if I did not have to . . .
grocery shop, shower, sleep, eat. I guess basically I am saying I wish I was a robot. ______________________________
Five Finds Friday (why I screamed & cute tassels)
This week has felt unusually speedy because Mosely and I have been gone for two days of it – belated birthday adventuring. I’ll share more about that but this morning I am up early (for me) and typing and catching up on emails and feeling the weight of business ownership and the drag of fighting off a cold or…
Ripley’s Gatlinburg Attractions: A Review in Three Parts, Part 3 (Guinness World Records)
I’m including the same intro and review before and after each of these three reviews. You can read our family’s Mirror Maze Review here and our 5D Moving Theatre Review here. _________________ Gatlinburg in the winter is a different sort of town than Gatlinburg in the summer. When we took our recent adventure to the mountain town, we found it sleepy…