mid-week round up of not much really.
Since purchasing the Travelers Rest Here website I have been writing more frequently and editing more regularly and attending meetings more often and Doing Stuff. (See how professional sounding business ownership has made me?) I love what I get to do and it’s been in so many ways an easy transition as I have been naturally promoting TR (for…
The Story of Redemption at Radius this Friday
For the past several years, on Good Friday before Easter weekend, the kids and I have visited a unique and moving experience that takes place at Radius in downtown Greenville. It’s called The Story of Redemption. My words are sure to be inadequate in describing the experience because it’s far more authentic and visceral than I…
don’t sit in your struggle alone
Struggle. It sometimes seems like it’s the predominant characteristic of our lives. And, even when your own life isn’t full to the brim overflowing with hardship or disappointment, you still have people you know, love, care about, meet on the street, whose lives are slopping over the sides with struggle and hard and heavy. You can personally be floating…
Five Finds Friday (hulling strawberries & bird posters & Netflix)
Well, hello there Friday. We’ve been on our “spring break” this week, which actually has not been spring break at all, but just our regular six weeks of school, one week off routine. I love our week off. I like not setting an alarm clock and having casual meals all week and just doing a little of whatever we…
A little London then . . .
Every now and then I look into my archive of Posts I Forgot to Ever Publish. I’ve got journals filled with ideas and bits and pieces of article starts and story lines and sentences that go nowhere and words that have never seen the light of day. I fell across a sweet one tonight though. London is thirteen years…
watching the hawkeye shed his skin
I watch my children. I study them. Like it’s my job. Because, I think it is. For the past few years I’ve noticed a trait in my oldest son. Possibly it’s hereditary. Or circumstantial. Or both. I’m not sure that it matters which. I just know, I’ve seen it on my boy. I have seen it on him…
What I used to think, when I used to think this —- How I Pictured My Life With Children
This weekend I had eight children at my home for the afternoon and evening. They played intense and well-orchestrated games of a Nerf gun version of Capture the Flag. I took them out to dinner at one of our favorite local restaurants in town. Those magical kind of lights hung across the restaurant’s deck, live music was playing, a…
Five Finds Friday (peanut butter eggs & t-shirts & ads & funny songs)
It’s been a good week. A full week. A week where my eyes did not shut frequently enough. So Friday is here already all over again, like it does. Thursday’s rain was slow and welcoming, except for when the dog spent his day getting soaked outside and then dreamed of still sleeping in my bed. That’s unacceptable Ryder. …
the writing on the wall
It’s painted on my bedroom door. The words of one of my favorite authors, Wendell Berry, from my favorite book by him – Hannah Coulter. You mustn’t wish for another life. You mustn’t want to be somebody else. What you must do is this: Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks. I am not all the way…
A Simple Map Study: A Charlotte Mason Geography
Sometimes in home school (in life) we make things so complicated. Well, sometimes I make things so complicated. My family moved from the coast of Virginia to the mountains of Virginia the year I was leaving the sixth grade. In my old school on the coast, geography was taught more exclusively in seventh grade. In my new school in the…
roll the windows down. spring wants to come in.
I like spring. And I’m welcoming the sunshine with open arms and an open sunroof. Today I made a labor intensive meal and it was pretty delicious. In our science lesson today we talked about barometric pressure. (Well, the author of the book “talked” about barometric pressure because my brain hardly comprehends how barometric pressure operates or what it…
Lost Valley Ranch: A Recap and A Memory
It’s during those long winter months and darker days when people like me start to think about spring and summer and vacations and trips and sunshine. It’s true, I like the planning nearly as much as I like the traveling. Well. I don’t know if that is entirely true. The point is, I love planning trips. I like looking at…
Five Finds Friday (Minty Timmy & Tuna. Not an appetizing combination.)
This week has been a catch up and refocus week. How is it that just one week off of your regular routine can really blast that routine into smithereens? It was ONE week, people. Hey kids, remember, we have a schedule? Apparently it only takes one week to forget everything we worked on ALL year. But, regardless, here we…