A Little July Celebrating
For oh, I don’t know, THIRTY years or more (actually, a few more than thirty) I have been celebrating July Fourth in one very specific location and in one pretty traditional manner. July Fourth, for the majority of my life, has meant a trip to the farm in Virginia. Last year all the things were cancelled and so staying home…
chipped nails and stacks of mail and practicing my mom skills all over again
Those are two things that bother me. Stacked mail.Chipped fingernail polish. The mail, staring at me and demanding that I take action, makes me feel like I’m running behind and will never catch up. As I type and I see the bits of pink and bits of gray on my fingernails because I thought – this time, this time –…
… a new dinner option
May was a blur. Finishing up school for five kids Wrapping up teaching at Meadowlark. Graduation. A wedding in Texas. A drive to the ranch and back. The ranch itself. And I guess now it’s time to get serious about All The Other Parts of My Life. So it’s Monday and I’m plowing along, digging out of a hefty influx…
Five Finds Friday (Lost Valley Ranch Version)
We’re home. So many car hours under out belt. I rented a Suburban for this trip (because I didn’t trust my own to make the many thousand mile haul) and therefore I was Solo Driver despite having three teens who have the ability to shoulder the load. (Maybe next year I’ll risk our old Yukon just for the back up…
five finds friday (berg keeps being funny, trip highlights and delicious drinks)
Without school to guide me, I just don’t know what day of the week it is. Also – side note: I can see that my Mailchimp subscribing idea is not working correctly. I see that it sends you an email but the mail contains nothing. No link. No post. Just annoyance. I’m angry at Mailchimp. And I want another idea…
Well who even knows where to start? A whole bunch of a lot of stuff happened in the last few weeks. I’m sitting on my porch, enjoying the new and improved twinkly lights that accompanied graduation on this porch a few Fridays ago. Our school year is complete. I homeschooled a sixth grader, a seventh grader, a sophomore, a junior…
five finds friday (shower curtains, carnitas, earrings and how I’m either denying reality or crying – so little in between)
This season has been like a tilt-a-whirl of emotions. For everyone at my house. We’re tired. We’re emotional. We’re wrapping up a few things and it kind of feels like May wants to smother us slowly and there’s so much celebration and good planned but it’s also tangled up with bittersweet and uncertainty and sadness and what does feel a…
a couple things …
I just finished reading Jane Eyre for the 19th time. (At least.) I just adore the novel. Every single time I read it something new strikes me. I see it with different eyes. Remember the cool Literature Odyssey I was planning to take my students on last year? The one that was canceled when everything for everyone was cancelled? We’re…
spring madness. it has descended upon us.
Distracted. Unable to complete tasks I begin. Unmotivated. Moving from one space to the next. I remember feeling this way at the end of my senior year of college. (Probably my senior year of high school too but that’s so very long ago.) This is what spring and right now looks like at my house. We’re all just barely holding…
Scrunch Map: A Timberdoodle Review
This is a review post. Timberdoodle graciously sent me a free product in exchange for a review. A review that is always my own, honest and hopefully helpful. _________________________________________ If it says map, I’m probably interested. I like maps. Of any kind. For as long as I can remember, this has been true. I loved the gigantic car Road Atlas my dad…
Q Bitz Solo: A Timberdoodle Review
This is a review post. Timberdoodle graciously sent me a free product in exchange for a review. A review that is always my own, honest and hopefully helpful. _________________________________________ Not everyone in my home loves games as much as Otto and I do. (This is a genetic tragedy I am still trying to get over.) (He and I have been…
evening thoughts or why I can’t get it together this month
Two weeks before Christmas I started a bathroom remodel project. It was supposed to take two weeks. Maybe even finished before Christmas. The mirrors were hung this week and the towel hooks are in place and it’s April. So goes everything in my life. (Side note: I adore the finished product and couldn’t be happier with the whole shebang. It…
parenting advice: for you & me
Get help. What does this mean? I don’t even know. And, it’s too vague to be actually helpful. But also. Get help. We cannot solve all of the problems our children have. I mean, we aren’t supposed to exactly be solving their problems anyway – but sometimes that lands in our laps as well. It’s more like I can’t meet…