lacking direction. or motivation. or energy. yes – all of the above.
Whenever a few days pile up on me and I have had no time to write, I suffer from a stage fright of sorts. The opposite of writer’s block. What would you call that? It’s an overload. Too many ideas. Too many thoughts. I don’t know where to start. I feel the same way when my home gets out…
Five Finds Friday (tzatziki sauce. big feet. tats.)
I don’t think I conquered a Five Finds Friday post last week – maybe it was Farm Week? (It’s too hard to keep up.) This week has been oppressively hot. We’ve had theatre rehearsals and auditions and I am so glad for an organization like our local Logos Theatre where I feel good about my kids receiving both quality…
farm, framily, feelings, photos
At the farm I didn’t write very much. I brought a couple of books to read, but I didn’t open them. I stayed up late every night, talking in the quiet hours with Emma and Sarah and Sally, with whomever stayed awake and was chatty. I didn’t rise exceptionally early because my kids are late sleepers and…
The July Grove Collaborative Giveaway
It’s been more than a year now since I first heard about Grove Collaborative. (It even had a different name back then actually.) And it’s been pretty much that long exactly too since I have purchased hand soap or dish soap or dishwasher tablets in an actual store. Keep me out of the stores, for goodness sake. I love…
a rearranging addiction: or a story of two trunks & a TV
I love the house where we currently live. It’s old fashioned and charming and quirky. The door frames are wide and the porch is cozy. But it’s more than one hundred years old. When you leave it locked up tight for a week while you spend time in Virginia, a couple of things happen to a house this aged.…
Farm Time. a list of what it is and what it is not.
We’ve crossed right into Farm Time. (Actually, we crossed over last week but that just goes to show you how Farm Time works.) No algebraic formula exists that will equate into understanding the comparison between Real Life Time and Farm Time. And no one in Farm Time even cares. In Farm Time these things happen: We tell stories at…
this train of thought ….
You guys, if procrastination was a job – I would win. Wait – that does not even make sense. So many days I feel as if I am ramping up for take off. I’ve got lists and stacks and piles. I feel as if I work all day on something (I don’t know what) and then, at the end…
state of the union – or an official sounding title for an unofficial style post
Writing something can take me all of five minutes some days. And then, other days, I can labor over a piece for days, let it sit a month or more, add to it in bits and parts. Today I finished up working on a post for Travelers Rest Here about a local farming family. I thoroughly enjoyed my interview…
Beyond Wildwood: The Ranch — Yes, I can.
Wednesday. Mid-week at the ranch. This was THE day, my favorite day. (I think.) So exploding with perfect moments. It started early. Again, because of the gift of my father being along for the ride, I had the freedom to take advantage of an early morning guided hike while the kids slept in. 6:45 am. You know…
Five Finds Friday (homemade herb dip, an Anne Review, and Otto spends money)
I’m grateful to the weather this week – although it’s been rainy and humid still, it has not been hot. And I, for one, will not complain about swinging into summer at moderate temperatures. What I’m not grateful for this week is the major snafu I had with my Travelers Rest Here website. Apparently the server for that website…
The Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado (And Kristie Mountain Sports)
We first heard about them in an Okee Dokee Brothers video actually. (Which is why you’ll notice Otto is wearing his Okee Dokee Brothers t-shirt in these pictures. A little full circle, friends.) The Great Sand Dunes. This vast area of – well – piles of sand. But not at the coast. Not near an ocean at…
finishing flag football & what otto said
Last night we cheered Otto on as he finished his last flag football game of the season. (We missed two games due to our Colorado adventures so the season has felt pretty short.) It was his first venture into team sports and our family’s first venture into football of any variety. (I still have a hard time…
just recounting a day . . .
It comes with the territory. Post-vacation, summer bedtimes being lax and rise and shine times being delayed. Time on their hands and high humidity in the air. It all adds up around here to some pesky attitude issues. Some delays in obedience. Some just-about eye rolls. Some slooooooow to finish their chores. Some excessive complaining about doing incredibly…