weekend ramble (the wrong date. the wrong time. the right pants.)
This weekend I . . . Spent a girls weekend with three of my daughters while my boys went fishing. Watched two movies about Jane Austen in some capacity. (Austenland and Becoming Jane. One was satisfyingly happy and one was real gloomy.) Took my girls shopping – with friends – and marveled at how much they enjoyed it. The times…
five finds friday (freckles, strawberries, plants)
The sunshine this week has been the actual best. funny I received this email from PayPal, the convenient way for you to receive and to pay money amongst friends, family and clients. Also the way to have a small percentage of that money disappear into the recesses of space via the service fee. I just thought it was hilarious that…
thoughts. on this fragile world.
We really live in the most frail of worlds – don’t we? Our own personal ecosystem is a mess. I’m not even talking about actual environmental problems. I just mean – things fall apart. It’s hard to maintain anything – your yard, your living room, your friendships. Recently my friend had a plumbing issue and her (new) floorboards…
A Reason for Handwriting: A Timberdoodle Review
This post is an affiliate post. In exchange for my personal and honest review, Timberdoodle sent me a free copy of this workbook. ____________________________________ It’s that time of year when every teacher and every parent is suddenly pulling out the calendar and counting down the days. Let’s just make it through, right? Finish strong and all that. But it’s also…
five finds friday – (Congaree, more soup, another Otto saying & sunshine)
I really need to go to bed instead of writing this post. I don’t feel at all certain that I can think of Five items tonight. But, at the same time, I really want to do this. funny We went to see a play at local college with many of our friends. The lead role was performed by a friend…
weekend ramble (the stillest of weekends)
This weekend had an Original Plan but got waylaid by a sick kid. Instead of heading out of town with our sweet friends, we all stayed at home. Where we hardly left the house and instead rested and recovered and tried to monitor all the ways in which we could keep any sickness from spreading throughout all of us. We…
five finds friday
This week in numbers. (Even though numbers are NOT my thing.) 3.5 hours at a testing facility for kids and school testing. 1 broken motor mount on my Yukon. 5 hours spent driving kids to cross country, soccer and errands on Tuesday afternoon. 10 kids at my house on Wednesday. 22 baked potatoes for a group dinner. 19 chocolate…
Today was a messy day. It was destined for a poor start the night before. I knew it, even as I raced the clock and stayed up later than I knew I should. I woke up at 5:30 am. Which is unacceptable to me. I contemplated being the sort of person who actually gets out of bed at that time.…
the dangers of dating as a single mom (or as a single dad, but you know – I write what I know)
There are so many directions this post could take. But I’m going to just head in one for today. Let’s talk about the drought problem. You know, when you have running water at your house, you don’t think about running water – right? When everything is as it should be and you take a shower in the morning, do you…
five finds friday (funny kids, garish sofas, filthy rocks, twinkling lights)
But seriously – Friday AGAIN? This week there were birthday parties, cross country conditioning, teenage tears, education a-happening, some genuine love expressed by some of my kids toward one another, meals of cereal, meals of hot dogs, meals of beef stew and meals of chicken and broccoli. There was a tad of single parent drama and a touch of divorced…
Frankincense – a little educating (but not by me)
It’s been more than I year since I signed up with Young Living and started down a road of trying to proactively learn more about essential oils. Truthfully, in most ways I have done next to nothing to use Young Living as a way to earn money. But I have been building up my own collection, selling to a few…
sometimes the story is better than the reality
Is this only true for me? Those times/days/situations where something happens. In real life. In a regular day. And right away you know you’re going to turn it into a story. You know you’re going to share it later – for me, maybe on this blog – or, with a friend over tea or on a Voxer message or…
five finds friday (a long winded run down of yesterday and white chicken chili and student success)
I want to humor myself here and lay out the schedule of what Thursday was like. thank you. Prior to 9 am – Wake up. Shower. Make certain kids are all up. Print out papers needed for teaching school. Oversee lunches packed. Create a crockpot dinner. Maybe eat breakfast and see if kids do the same. Make sure kids do…