Mand Labs Lit: A Timberdoodle Review
This is a sponsored post. Timberdoodle was kind enough to give our family this product in exchange for a review. And you know me, the opinions are always my own honest thoughts. More and more, school here at Wildwood is less hands on for me and more independent work for the kids. Especially my high school students. Many of their…
five finds friday (college talk, meeting the Okee Dokee Brothers)
You guys. Every week is a BLINK. I do not know what is happening. I legitimately barely have any time to write at all these days. I’m telling myself it’s just a season. But I don’t know if that’s the truth or not. funny This week we took our first college tour. ! “They” say you are supposed to begin…
and the truth of a marriage deceased
I do not always miss being married. Or, I suppose, to put it more precisely, I do not miss being in my marriage. When a person jokingly refers to a relationship as complicated, I get it. It’s not really a joke at all. It’s complicated. Naturally, so many words get left unsaid in a post like this, in a public…
back of a book, on the porch
I don’t have the slow opportunity to let words marinate so much any longer. That’s not what my life is looking like in this season, at this time. But the other day I found myself on our porch with a few thoughts and no paper. I was reading a book – that thankfully I owned – so I used the…
Five Finds Friday (earrings – of course. more about eggs – I’m sorry. and a film that’s beautiful.)
It’s fall. I guess. But it feels like summer here. I’m one hundred percent ready for a temperature change. funny After our beach trip and our sunburns, it seems itchy backs have been a frequent topic of discussion in our home of late. I love a good back scratching – and although the kids are definitely improving in their…
How We Are All Connected: Navigators. Glen Eyrie. My Mother. Me. My Sons.
It’s a loose story. One that I cannot confirm the extra details to dot the i’s or cross the t’s, but it’s a true story, nonetheless. When my mother was younger, post high school I think, she was involved with a group called the Navigators. Some sort of cross between a Young Life and a Campus Crusade ministry. It’s the…
a little grief. how the time passes.
I guess you could call it grieving. I think that’s what I am doing. Once upon a time, I had six children. And when I decided we were taking a trip, I simply put them in the car, buckled them in and drove off. I didn’t ask their opinion and sometimes they didn’t know where we were headed until I…
Juliet’s School of Possibilities: A Book Review
Expectations are infinite.Time is finite.You are always choosing.Choose well. It’s the heart of this little book. A brand new release. Non fiction. A parable. A fable. A moral of the story kind of book. Written by Laura Vanderkam, a time guru, this book is basically a story that teaches readers a lesson. Honestly, it was an impulse pick up at…
sacred sabbath & rest for the weary
Have you ever been so tired that you hope you catch a cold? Or acquire a fever? That you think the only way you’ll get a break is to have a breakdown? You have weekend plans or evening plans and the other person cancels and you quietly and secretly rejoice because you are in dire need of a night off?…
five finds friday
This week we started back to Meadowlark Collective. We doubled in size this year – can you believe it? What an amazing honor! We also started soccer practice for one. And youth group for four. So – you know – the evenings are shifting once again, for another season. But it’s okay. I’m here for it. I signed up for…
how do you do it?
“I don’t know how you do it.” “As a single parent – how do you do it?” Yeah, I’m fairly confident the statement or the question is delivered as a compliment of sorts. And yet. It never feels like one. “You’re braver then me.” No. I’m not. My choices are different, maybe. Because they have to be. “I don’t know…
parenting: the slipping away
Some moments in parenting are profound. Their import is tangibly recognized in the moment. First steps. First words. First day of kindergarten. Getting braces. Having those braces removed. Moving into a college dorm. But what about all the other moments? The Afters. Those parenting moments that are big deals, but only after they happen do you begin to realize their place…
five finds friday (finn turns twelve, made for this podcast and mac & cheese)
This week’s weather was so pleasant. Whether it’s right or wrong, weather affects me deeply. (Can I use the words “whether” and “weather” more often in two sentences?) It was a great week to be outside – and we sure tried to take advantage of that. Lake Jocassee and Pisgah trips this week. How perfectly lovely. funny Piper Finn turned…