five finds. on a friday. (eyelashes. chicken pot pie. basketball.)
Monday seems like a very long time ago. Was it? Maybe. funny It’s getting more and more difficult to have a nightly family read aloud time. But mostly I keep persevering because it’s important to me. Yes, the books themselves matter. But the IDEA of it matters more to me. The time that we all sit in the same space…
Plus Plus (A Thanksgiving Version): A Timberdoodle Review
This is a review post. I was given this item by Timberdoodle in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are for sure and for certain my own. I wish I could remember when I first heard about Plus Plus. But, like all sorts of important facts and needless numbers, that detail has slipped from my mind. All I know…
The newest little human.
This weekend my daughter gave birth to a little girl. A miniature tiny picture of hope and love and legacy. Healthy, safe and doing well. A miracle that is not to be taken for granted. Saylor Rae. Maddox and Porter stayed with us this weekend while Riley had Saylor. They were thrilled to meet their baby sister (or baby “kicker”…
five finds friday (dates with otto & beaded earrings & friends)
In the course of one day, a load of mess can happen. In the course of one week – well, even more mess. Right? This week it was a broken water pump in our well. Deep down in our well. Life with teenagers. (Someone this week declared teens to be a little Jekyll and Hyde sort of situation – and…
tick tock. a small choice.
I’m always looking for ways to tame the beast known as my iPhone. I’m grateful that a tiny device can do so much for me: Tell me the weather. Let me communicate with my dad and my brothers. Provide a path for continuing and deepening friendships with my people who live all across the United States.Create a source of revenue…
water. the gift & the cost.
It’s just not something we think about. We know we are privileged to have such free and easy access to it. But it’s not on our grateful radar all that often. Until you wake up one morning and turn the faucet on to fill up your tea pot and nothing comes pouring out. That’s this week at our house. Sunday…
These Is My Words: A Book Review
I haven’t written a solid book review in a while. But this book is so memorable that I just have to. Last year I signed up for my friend Ruth’s email book list, virtual sort of book club thing. (I sold that really well, didn’t I?) Each month she sends us a list of books to read – usually she’s…
an ode to not making time to write: and it’s not okay
Writing consistently over here has been SUCH a challenge this school year. I am just plain old out of time. Sure, yes – we all have the same twenty-four hours and all that. And sure, I bet I waste time somewhere too. But mostly, I’m really living a fast sort of life right now. I think it’s just the nature…
swimming in the deep end
It all feels like it’s already been said. All the words have been taken. The ones about exhaustion and anxiety. About despair and waiting. The posts about overworking and not enough sleep have all been written. Balance – we get it – it’s elusive. Time management – we understand – it’s tricky. Self care – we know – it’s important.…
Five Finds Friday (pumpkin bars, earrings (!) and my kids dressed like historical figures)
Well the weather has been dreamy. The days have been full. The teens have been teen-y. The budget has been stretched. The meals have been quick and sometimes eaten standing up. The water pressure has been sinking. But we’re at the weekend and that’s good news. funny We’re reading a book out loud before bed called Right Ho, Jeeves by…
share the good
The statistics are staggering. The world is a mess. Bad stuff happens a lot. True. True. True. But also. There are good people too. Kind people. Friends who pick up the phone when you call and listen to you rant about the injustices in your own life. Who offer words of camaraderie and words of hope. Words of “I’m angry…
the burrow: a fireplace update
It’s been a little over a year since I bought my first home. We’ve had to call pest control last week and there’s a funky water pressure issue happening right now. I have a laundry list of projects I want to see completed and apparently strangers who walk on the road in front of my home don’t care for my…
a thank you, thirty years later.
I called my dad today. It was a little out of the blue to him. Those sort of calls always worry a parent, it appears, regardless of one’s age. But it was not a random call. I said, “Dad. I just wanted to say thank you.” “For what?” he asked. “What did I do?” “Well, you did this about thirty…