connections. relationships. education.
Education is about relationships. Charlotte Mason said this and I believe it. I believed it theoretically when I first read it, decades ago. I believed it experientially when I thought back over my own education, both formal and self-chosen. When what I learned well and best, thoroughly and ingrained as part of my psyche, was when I had a relationship…
five finds friday (shimmery skirts & strawberries)
And another week down. funny First, look at this adorable tiny Lego washing machine Otto created. You know what I’m actually missing? An audience. Yeah, sure – I’ve got nearly half a dozen people here who could serve as my audience, but truth be told – they’re tired of my jokes. If they ever thought they were funny to begin…
I’ve felt this inordinate amount of pressure for the past month or however long stay at home orders have been in place and this strange new world has dawned. I love productivity. I love staying home. So this ought to be like my dream right? And in some ways, it kind of is. The world is shut down. My family…
sunday matters.
Today the kids and I watched a livestream Easter service in our living room. We had communion and all I had on hand were crackers and sweet tea. I’m 46 years old and for the past 45 years I have spent every Easter Sunday inside of a church or at an early morning sunrise service (because Baptist upbringing). (Except last…
five finds friday (if, in fact, it actually IS friday)
This week was our spring break. Talk about a staycation. I think I’m a pretty fun person. But I haven’t been all that fun this week. It’s sort of like I’m on mute or something. My volume is turned down. And I don’t really care. It’s going to be a real challenge to crank out five items here. Because, pretty…
five finds friday: at home edition
I just wanted to bandwagon every celebrity and make this an at-home edition of my regular Five Finds Friday post. Except, of course, it’s always the at-home edition since I live and write from home. I mean, usually I do all of that. From home. But sometimes from coffee shops or outside somewhere. But this week everything is exclusively from…
Stitch Fix: We Tried It!
I need to write and think about something else. So. Stitch Fix it is. Likely most of you have heard of this service. But if you haven’t – Stitch Fix is a service where a stylist picks out clothes for you based on information you have submitted about your style and your personal clothing preferences. The clothes arrive in a…
pendulum swinger
That’s me. I’m all – “Huh, ANOTHER day of quarantine? Another day that bleeds into the one before and the one that comes after? Another day with kids bickering and nowhere to go?” And then, I’m also, “We get to stay home tomorrow? COOL! I don’t have to put on pants or fix my hair? I don’t have to interact…
five finds friday (bits & pieces)
I mean, what am I even going to write about? It’s a mystery. I guess I’ll know as I type it. funny Apparently Bergen thought his cactus needed shades. fashionable Stitch Fix has been a super fun treat. Mosely received her first box and had a lot of fun trying on the outfits. I’ll write a full post about it…
Quarantine Made Me Do It
You know – I really like being home. Many Friday nights it is EXACTLY what I choose do even when there are a potential myriad of other options. But just like seeing a sign that says “don’t walk on the grass” somehow makes that patch of grass uniquely appealing, something about being required to stay home makes it a bit…
notes from the burrow. not in any particular order.
Today I took a walk with Mosely. We walked the streets near our home. I looked down at my attire. I laughed. It wasn’t terrible, I guess, but it was definitely more wear-this-at-home-only. (Although there WERE pants, so that’s progress – right?) I guess I’ve reached a new low. In attire and in personal grooming. And I haven’t put on…
if you need to laugh. no pictures included.
This is a true story. Pretty much every day since last fall I have worn a pair of leggings. I mean, so has everyone else – right? Frequently I wear a skirt over said leggings. At least, this is my preferred fashion choice if my sweater is not long enough to cover my rear. (You all can wear your shirts…