Keigley Approved Recipes
If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. ― J.R.R. Tolkien
… a new dinner option
May was a blur. Finishing up school for five kids Wrapping up teaching at Meadowlark. Graduation. A wedding in Texas. A drive to the ranch and back. The ranch itself. And I guess now it’s time to get serious about All The Other Parts of My Life. So it’s Monday and I’m plowing along, digging out of a hefty influx of emails in my inbox, fighting the urge to only do Fun Summer Things and resisting the desire to Read All Day Long. I’m still struggling through the ins and outs of this silly Mailchimp Subscribe situation – but I think I’m getting close to solving it. (Thank you for…
five finds friday (shower curtains, carnitas, earrings and how I’m either denying reality or crying – so little in between)
This season has been like a tilt-a-whirl of emotions. For everyone at my house. We’re tired. We’re emotional. We’re wrapping up a few things and it kind of feels like May wants to smother us slowly and there’s so much celebration and good planned but it’s also tangled up with bittersweet and uncertainty and sadness and what does feel a bit like the universe shifting for some of the people I love and live with. funny This week Mosely came out of the bathroom and said, “Your shower curtain fell down.” And she was right. It had. At some point I assigned the fixing of that situation to Bergen. When…
five finds friday (oatmeal cream pies & a little explaining about “that” photo)
You think those baby and toddler years FLY by? Good grief, so do these high school ones. Everything I see is in fast forward. funny Laughing is my favorite hobby. Bergen is especially funny of late. And thank goodness, because life is so overflowing with NOT funny things that I need some daily doses of humor. Our TV and movie viewing has shifted dramatically from the days of Veggie Tales and Little People. (Remember that tune, “Discovering Michael, discovering you. Discovering there’s room for everyone …”? No? Just me? Okay.) A quick Google search helped me find this memory — But that’s not even what I was planning to share…
five finds friday (the worst jeans you’ll ever see, Otto says something funny and Dolly is the best)
Has this week been kind to you? This week has handed me a stack of “you messed this up” and “hey, here’s another bill” and “whoa – how did it get to be so late so soon?” (Which is a quote from Dr. Seuss, by the way, so that I don’t add plagiarism to my list of wrong doings and inefficiencies this week.) But also. This week has been fine. Does that make sense anywhere outside of my own head? funny It’s our Break Week from school. One day I let the kids watch far too much TV. I looked at Otto, lounging on the sofa, having hardly moved most…
five finds friday. snow cream. snow tubing. London’s cute hair and laughter from junior high.
But the time just goes by so fast even when the days are slow or the world is weird. funny Last weekend my friend Sara and her family stopped by for a Sunday visit as they were driving through town. It was all sorts of delightful and we had such a lovely time catching up and chatting and enjoying one another’s company, something we’ve been doing for the past THIRTY-FIVE years. That number makes me both laugh and cry. Who are we? How can we be so old? But what really made us laugh was pulling the boxes out of the attic and rifling through the memories I have hoarded…
five finds friday: at home edition
I just wanted to bandwagon every celebrity and make this an at-home edition of my regular Five Finds Friday post. Except, of course, it’s always the at-home edition since I live and write from home. I mean, usually I do all of that. From home. But sometimes from coffee shops or outside somewhere. But this week everything is exclusively from home ALL THE TIME. This week has felt, like all of yours I’m sure, very long. A giant glass bottle of lotion broke on the tile floor yesterday. It smelled amazing and the shards of glass didn’t hurt so badly when swimming in lotion. At the beginning of the week…
five finds friday (superstore, fly fishing, sloppy joes)
I’m going to take your word for it that it’s actually Friday. Alright? I can’t seem to get the kinks worked out of this blog lately. Some updates need to happen, I thought I handled them – I don’t know. I just know that when I share these posts on Facebook the photos are not appearing as they should. Right now though, I’m just shrugging my shoulders and wishing it would all get square on its own accord. funny When I like something I tell everyone I know about it. Is that an enneagram type? Often I am guilty of telling you about it at least four times. It’s a…
five finds friday – (Congaree, more soup, another Otto saying & sunshine)
I really need to go to bed instead of writing this post. I don’t feel at all certain that I can think of Five items tonight. But, at the same time, I really want to do this. funny We went to see a play at local college with many of our friends. The lead role was performed by a friend we made through our stays at Lost Valley Ranch. I love that sort of connection and how that works out. It was Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew and, like every event of late in our home, the feelings about attending the show were mixed. (In fact, Bergen heaved a heavy…
five finds friday
This week in numbers. (Even though numbers are NOT my thing.) 3.5 hours at a testing facility for kids and school testing. 1 broken motor mount on my Yukon. 5 hours spent driving kids to cross country, soccer and errands on Tuesday afternoon. 10 kids at my house on Wednesday. 22 baked potatoes for a group dinner. 19 chocolate chip cookies stolen and devoured by Ryder. funny Our pup Talluah is a funny one. She adores sleeping curled up on a pillow. Preferably above someone’s head. And I know I share a lot of photos of this dog sleeping – but it’s what she does a lot. And –…
five finds friday (a long winded run down of yesterday and white chicken chili and student success)
I want to humor myself here and lay out the schedule of what Thursday was like. thank you. Prior to 9 am – Wake up. Shower. Make certain kids are all up. Print out papers needed for teaching school. Oversee lunches packed. Create a crockpot dinner. Maybe eat breakfast and see if kids do the same. Make sure kids do chores like feed pets, take them out to the bathroom, get them resettled for their day while we’re gone. Wonder why we have so many pets. 9:30 to 12 – Teach a literature and writing class to junior high and high school students. Kipling. Wordsworth. Spring poetry. Compare and contrast…
Five Finds Friday: unicorn mascots and repairs and glazed carrots
Summer was far too short. I know it’s not officially over, but at our house – it feels over. We had a soft start to school this week and I know the timing feels off, what with trying to move soon too, but we also love being finished with school in May and we all highly value the six weeks on, one week off system we’ve got going on currently so we know that in order to accomplish those things, we’ve got to kick it into gear now. funny It was so funny last week to take London and some of her friends on a…
Five Finds Friday (quelf the game, oatmeal in the Instant Pot, kind words)
We’re back to school this week. It’s been good to be back to routine but it’s been painfully difficult to get out of bed on these cold mornings. It was also a four day school week and that has me thinking that ALL weeks should be four day school weeks. Can I start a utopian society where people only work for four days a week for about five hours each day? I think we’d all be more productive and just embrace working harder for a short time, knowing you had lots of free time coming. Who wants in on my future society? Happy Friday y’all. funny …
Five Finds Friday (sweatshirts & cuddles & an easy soup recipe for your new Instant Pot)
You already know I love this holiday week. I wish all of life was like a holiday. No school. No pressure to rise early. No pressure to get to bed early. No pressure. That’s what I like. The unrealistic dream world of no pressure for anything. Ah. But we are grown ups here and we know that the in between weeks are not the main weeks and that holiday is not the standard fare. But – while it lasts, I sure do enjoy it. funny Riley and Aaron bought the boys a miniature foosball table for Christmas this year. It’s been a big hit. Also, Puck…