
really, just a post that wraps up and sums up and wanders a bit. a post kind of like a regular day.

When the little weather ap on my phone said the sun would be shining all week long and warming up our little corner of the earth to a toasty 95 degrees most days, I decided the time to finally cave in and turn on the air conditioning was right then.

I have waited and waited to flick that switch – loving the lower numbers on our Duke Power bill and being thankful that the days had really been so breezy and pleasant for such a long stretch.

The air filters were fresh – I actually remembered to change them – and I slid the tiny button right on over to “cool”.  The kids and I rejoiced at the flow of crisp air coming through the vents and we wandered from room to room, tightly shutting all of the open windows.

The morning was nice.

But by evening the air through the vents was no longer cool and the temperature in the dining room was at 88.

So.  That was unfortunate and short lived.

In other news,

our London Eli Scout attended her first youth group.

One of the leaders tried to tell me that I was the first parent he had ever seen take a photo of the big shift from elementary school to middle school.  I don’t think that can be true – can it?

How can she be old enough for this?

Well.  Whatever.  I took a picture.  There’s no shame in that – right?

Since our Texas trip our sleeping routine has been all off again and I had been prepping the kids all day with the Big Plan to sleep in their own beds to try to regain the momentum we had lost.

But then the air conditioning situation occurred.

And – uh – it is really very unbearably hot upstairs.  So we’ve got the sleeping bags and the fans and the windows working for us as we slumber down in the same space again.

Which is really perfectly okay with me.

Maybe I should turn their bedrooms into rock climbing walls and trampoline floors and just completely give up on the idea of separate bedrooms.  I bet there is a parenting term out there for that.  And I bet I just offended someone who embodies that term and is passionate about group family beds and co-sleeping as a family unit.


  • Sara

    London just went to her first youth group…. And she is beautiful.

    You might want to curtail the youth idea and hide her under a rock somewhere far, far away from male youth.

  • Heather Snyder

    That last paragraph pretty much described us.haha. The hallway is full of climbing walls that seep a bit into our living room and ooze up the boys bedroom wall and I’m pretty sure on any given night you can count 5-6 people in and around our queen sized bed. I gave up at some point and just left a mat on the floor by my side of the bed for the 3 am switch the 5 and 7 year old seem to always do.;)