HomeLife,  Otto Fox Wilder

when I misjudged his intentions.

“Momma, where are you?”

The question of the day.

It’s the six year old walking grin asking this time.

When he can’t hear my answer, he asks it louder.

And continues to ask.

And I finally shout from my location – the bathroom – “Son, I am in the bathroom!”

We are all changing from our swimsuits into our dry clothes and he keeps asking,  “Mommy – where are you?”

He can’t hear me.

I say it again.

And again.


Not in a super kind mom voice.

You know the one I mean?

And then – this six year old gentleman finds me.

“Hey, Mommy,” he says through the closed door.

“Yes, son?”  Maybe I sigh.

And I receive the sweetest voice in response.

“Mommy?  When you’re ready, your shoes will be waiting outside the door for you.”