Field Trip,  HomeLife,  HomeSchooling,  Keiglets

A Day in the Life: Part One

The forecast for the entire week was glorious.

Warm afternoons. Cool mornings.

The type of day designed by the creator of days to be spent out of doors.

No climate controlled, temperature regulated kind of day. (Not that those days even exist when you live in a one hundred and eleven year old farm house.)

I looked at the week’s forecast and I knew three things.

1. These days are an unadulterated gift. Cold weather is coming.

2. Cold weather is particularly disheartening at our home where last winter we could see our breath in our kitchen on a regular basis.

3. I need to stockpile good days of warmth and sunshine like you stack up savings in a bank.

I gathered supplies: blankets, colored pencils, novels, narration notebooks, history books, nature notebooks, apples, cheese, crackers and chocolate.

And the kids and I headed north to Adventure. (Where we live north means mountains and mountains mean adventure.)

From our giant rock we could see Tennessee and Georgia.

Now that’s a great place for a little educating.

Truly – it was as lovely as it sounds. And even lovelier than it looks in my meager photographs.

While we all drew in our nature notebooks – I wrote this in mine. (I’m always picking words over pictures. It’s what I do.)


This is too easy.

Almost unbelievable.

This view.  These colors.  The temperature.  The sky.  These kids.

Books and apple cores and colored pencils crowding kids’ legs and tossed aside shoes and wrappers from the chocolate truffle treats.

Jump Off Rock.


North Carolina.

Water and sunshine and McFarlane’s old-fashioned salt dough yeast rolls.

I don’t even know what that name means, except good.

You don’t have to use your imagination.

You can touch fall here.


I can’t express enough what a picturesque, almost dreamed up, kind of magical moment in time that it was.

That was the morning. The early afternoon even.

And then it was 1:25.  And our adventure spun a little differently.

Which I will tell you about. ……. tomorrow.

(I’ve never blogged a cliff hanger. A part two. I’m afraid this might be anti-climatic. I don’t know really. But I guess we’ll find out either way ……….. tomorrow).