
it’s just a little thing . . .

My friend Mandy texted me the other day.

“What are you up to?”

And my response was something like, “I”m rearranging the game shelf upstairs.  I have no idea why.”

To which she replied something like, “I know.  It’s the little things.  I’m thinking I’ll rearrange the living room furniture today.”

And I did rearrange the game room shelf.

And it is the little things.

But now our upstairs landing looks like a game room and I think it’s cute.

And I love any excuse to hang a banner of any sort.

That’s usually my mental bargain anyway – you have to tidy a space before you can decorate it.

One Comment

  • Susanna

    Love the use of the playing cards as labels/a banner! Great idea. I'm all about organizing too. Brings me a smile every time!