
the porch.

My family lived in three different houses when I was growing up.

The first one I don’t even remember.

The second one I loved.  It had a long front porch.

The third one is where I spent most of my childhood years and all of my teenage years.

When we moved in, it had a small front porch.

By the time my parents were finished remodeling the old farmhouse, it had a grand front porch that ran the entire length of the house.

My mom and dad would sit out there in the early morning together.

Then they’d sit out there again in the cool of the evening.

A porch has always felt like home to me.

And now I get to live here.

With this porch.

And there has not been a day that has gone by in this Wildwood home that I don’t audibly thank God for the gift of this porch.

It is where the kids come to look for me if I have disappeared for too long.

It’s breezy and it’s open and it’s old and it’s peace.

And I’m grateful.

What’s your porch?

What’s your every-day-thank-you-God place?


  • @life_edited

    We have two porches (I KNOW. magic.) and I love them both for different reasons. The kids are on the front porch now, and I can here them calling hellos to everyone who passes. The back porch is where I would disappear more if I could. I should. It's quiet and covered and hidden away. If you lived here I would invite you to share a drink on it.

    • LaceyKeigley

      Ah. Two porches.

      I would accept that beverage offer on your porch – the back porch, of course.