Bergen Hawkeye

sibling love.

Today this little fella had a bout with some stomach issues.

(Believe it or not – this isn’t really a post about vomit.  Although today I realized that our wood floors have deep grooves between the boards.  Deep grooves that collect whatever falls their way.  That’s all.)

And today our daughters loved and served their tired brother in the sweetest of ways.

They set the table for him, since it’s his week on table duty.

And they made this little coloring page for him as he lay on the sofa resting.

London drew the picture and Mosely helped build the tape crayon holder.

Such a wonderful picture of love.

The kind of moment that you hold in your heart because you know tomorrow there will be arguments and scuffles, but for that moment – there was kindness and concern.

And my job is to take it all as it comes and to try to remember the one when the other crowds it out.

One Comment

  • shelley

    Just precious!! It is so nice to occasionally get that ray of hope that says your kids may turn out to be selfless, compassionate people!! (meaning, of course my kids, not yours).