Chaos,  Free,  God's Pursuit of Me,  HomeLife

so here it is.

The future rarely looks like the past.

And change is the only constant.

In some ways it seems as if our family has been rising and falling with the ebb and the flow of change for the last decade.



Adoption.  Vocational changes.  Pastoring at a start-up church.  Birth of baby.  Quit teaching high school.  Bi-vocational ministry.  Adoption.  Parents move far and far away.  Birth of baby.   Leave church and pastoring job.  Mother passes away.  Grieving.  Birth of baby.  New job.  Relocation to another state.  Kevin’s mom passes away.  Marital crisis.  Birth of baby.  Recovery.  Healing.

It makes me weary just to type that insufficient collection that says so little but covers so much.

And here we are again.

On the cusp of change.

Next week will be Kevin’s last week at his job.

And, oh, like so much change, like so much life – it is so exceedingly bittersweet.

The future is on our brains all of the time.

And at times, the fear – it is palpable.

There is so much to miss – and so much for which to look forward.

The next step for Kevin, the next step for us, is Bottlecap Creative House.

And while there’s plenty to say about all of this – the business, the upcoming move, the fear, the anticipation, the whole nine yards, the kit and caboodle (has anyone else ever heard that phrase?) – I’m not jumping that deep into all the details right now.

But if you think I’ve been a little distracted lately, well, you’re right.

So there it is.

The reason I need to be still and know.

The reason I am leaning in and standing still.

I’m grateful we are not leaving the area.

I’m dreading packing up boxes and taking clothes out of closets and pictures off of walls.

I am cautiously optimistic about the success of our family’s first-ever business enterprise.

I am curious to watch how God pulls the strings together and crafts a beautiful web in which we can rest.

And I am thankful you guys are along for the journey.

Or the free fall.

Or the Whatever Is Next.

(I never did like predictable anyway.)


  • Terry

    You are definitely an inspiration. Contemplating some big changes and trust as well. The fear is definitely palpable. But so is the excitement about possibilities. Thank you for sharing so much.

  • jehatter

    Well Lacey I can say from personal experience there are definitely highs and lows in this process, but nothing is more beautiful than living into a dream/vision that God has called you into it. You trust in Him like never before! I am so excited for you guys and this adventure. So you guys have to move off the camp site? Where will you be moving to? Have a place already?

    • LaceyKeigley

      Oh – I had forgotten that you guys took this leap of independence recently too. We should all get together and talk – I bet you guys would be a wonderful resource for us – since our husbands are both in the business of creative.
      We do have to move off camp an no, no,no – we have no place yet. Any old Greenville connections for us? 🙂

  • Sally

    Wow, Lacey! Congratulations! I checked out Bottlecap and WOW!
    It sounds like you are still moving, though? This will be *perfect* for justifying all time spent at Pinterest–the house will be find there a blank canvas for all the inspiration you find there! 🙂
    Congratulations, Good Luck, Best Wishes-the whole kit and caboodle! (My mom always said that, and "the whole shoot and match." Or is it "shootin' match?" which is how she said it.)

    • LaceyKeigley

      shootin' match?
      That's a good one -and new to me.
      Yes – I did spend some time on Pinterest last night. Used that tutorial you suggested and it helped. Still a little overwhelming, but very cool. (Can you pin stuff from regular blogs and websites anywhere?)
      But – definitely a blank canvas.