
vanilla. vanilla beans. vodka.

This week I took my two-year-old son into a liquor store.

(Or do people call them ABC stores?)

I didn’t dare let the kid get out of my arms.

Have you seen what they keep in that place?

Like a bazillion glass bottles all stacked precariously high in tiny rows.

It was the second time in my life that I have ever entered such a store.

I was buying vodka.

To make my own vanilla.

Seriously –

how cool is that?

My friend Heather gave me the vanilla beans but I had to supply my own vodka.

Mosely and I split the delicious-smelling beans in half and scooped out their black goodness.

Then we added some beans to the bottle.

I put the bottle on a shelf.

And, apparently, in about six months – I can bake something with my own homemade vanilla.

Whatever I cook then – I bet it will taste better than anything else I have ever baked!


  • Beth

    i definitely want to try this too!! Please let me know how much vanilla in how much vodka…. sounds YUMMY!

  • natalie

    I've seen this before…small bottles with 3-4 of the long pod things and vodka not quite to the top of the bottle. Make sure you only put it in something you're baking 😉

  • Kristie

    LOL…I put vodka on the grocery list awhile ago to do the same thing…but felt a little funny going into the liquor store while I was so pregnant…with 2 other little ones in tow! I also found out recently that you can grind the vanilla bean and just use vanilla powder in place of vanilla in recipes – but use less because it is potent! I am going to try that too! 🙂

  • sarah w.

    I would love to join in on this outing! When I was pregnant with Rowan, Erik wanted me to go into a gas station and get him a beer, so I did. I walked out with a beer… in a brown bag. You should have seen the looks I got. Haha

  • Emma

    I think it would be hilarious to see you in the liquor store. More funny: You and me in the liquor store. But very cool— I want to make my own vanilla!

    • LaceyKeigley

      Oh my goodness.

      Now I need to plan a trip to the liquor store together. We would be as awkward and weird as two underage kids – wouldn't we?

    • LaceyKeigley

      Because we are like the same person. In different states.

      Is your vanilla already dark brown? Mine is not. Just wondering how long that takes or if I need more vanilla beans?