Field Trip

Going to Guatemala

Guess what word is hard to spell?


Photo Courtesy of Fredy Perez

I’ve looked it up and let autocorrect help me way too many times. I think I finally remember that there’s an E after “guat” even though apparently my brain is desperate for it to be an A.

Despite that tricky-to-me spelling, Bergen and Piper and I are heading to Guatemala in February. We have an opportunity to travel with my friend Hannah and her husband and a small crew of other folks we’ve yet to meet.

One of the best ways to describe this particular trip is that it’s a bit like a Habitat for Humanity trip except it isn’t with Habitat.

Photo Courtesy of Fredy Perez

While we’re there we will be building stoves that residents use in their homes for cooking the majority of their meals. Currently the stoves are neither particularly efficient nor safe.

We’ll be in the Lake Atitlan region of the country and the organization we are supporting is called Dreams & Hopes and works to alleviate poverty through education as well as improved living conditions.

This is the first of its kind trip for me and Berg and Piper. They’ve both been working hard to raise money – dog sitting, yard work, baby sitting and more.

I honestly don’t have an excessive amount of details of exactly what we’ll be doing, but I am honored to be able to do this with two of my kids and I definitely will share more about the trip both as I learn more and when I return after our experience.

You can also follow our guide on Instagram here – Fredy!

Photo Courtesy of Fredy Perez

If you’d like to donate to our trip, with any and all extra money going to Dreams & Hopes, we’d love your help.

Venmo – Lacey-Keigley
Paypal –

I sincerely appreciate every dime that anyone voluntarily takes from themselves to share with me and Bergen and Piper.

Thank you!