
the weekend ramble

The weekend was gray and drippy and those are not two of my favorite words in describing a weekend.

But still, I was grateful for school duties to be put on hold and work to take a backseat.

Saturday was an early morning meeting about upcoming new kitchen counters – wood counters crafted by a local couple that I am thrilled to have in our house.  The fancy faucet is waiting in its box in my bedroom.  If you think that sounds boring, I disagree.  I’ve never been so intrigued by a kitchen faucet in my life.  I spent a ridiculously long time pondering options – at Lowe’s and online.

Currently ours looks like a mummy.  It has (formerly) white medical tape wrapped around keeping water from spraying us whenever we use our sink.

He’s a mummy and I’m glad to send him to his grave.

The new one is just so shiny and capable.  I might even name it.  Nah.  That’s too much.  But I could name it.  I’m that fond of it already.

It’s tall enough to fit a big pot under it.  When the kitchen is full of dishes, it can be stretched out to fill a pot or kettle sitting on the counter.  It swings from left to right.  

Home ownership is fun.  For reals.  I love it.  (I mean, I loved it less when I had to pay for new gutters, but I loved it still when I got to pick black gutters.)

I spent Friday night picking out a sink and one of my friends acted like she felt sorry for me when I said that was my Friday evening plan but I was all like, “What? I waited til Friday night on purpose.  I have been looking forward to this!”

I daydreamed about apron front white farmhouse sinks.  And I found a relatively decent priced one.  But, in the end, I decided that this house wasn’t meant for a farmhouse sink – not currently anyway.  I tried to find a red sink but turns out, getting a red sink is trickier than you think – and pricier too.  In the end, I went with gray and one giant basin and that makes me pretty excited too.  I’m on familiar terms with my sink, so it better be one I don’t mind spending a lot of time with.  For Christmas, Otto bought me kitchens sponges.  So, he’s seen my affinity for alone time with the sink too I guess.

After the counter appointment, Mosely and I headed off for her Christmas gift date – bowling and burgers.  We visited a swanky new(ish) bowling alley  – it has black wooden lanes.  The decor was genuinely cool – and not a hint of smoky stale bowling alley-ness.  I bowled my best game ever actually.  You pay by the hour, instead of by the game.  Man, Mosely and I were Bowling Rockstars because we somehow crammed FOUR games in one hour.  (My arm hurts today – that’s embarrassing.) 

It’s alarming how quickly two days can pass – how speedy they seem as they end.

We generally have a No Screens Allowed on Sunday sort of rule and even that doesn’t slow the day down as effectively as I would like – although it helps.

I’ve been reading some great books – maybe I’ll be able to review a few this week.

My eyes are already starting to look ahead to summer adventures and travels – I’m realizing that my wanderlust and compulsive trip planning is a part of the evidence of my number 7 enneagram type so that’s revealing.

Also, Trader Joe’s no longer has their Winter Wake Up Tea in stock.  I’m grieving its loss.

And that is all the ramble for this weekend.
