HomeLife,  Riley Amber

Five Finds Friday (the best worst photo & a lot of Lauren Daigle)


I’ll keep saying it all the time.  As many times as I want to.  IT’S ALREADY THE END OF OCTOBER!!??!

And I’ll use excessive exclamation marks if I feel like it too. Whatever.

I guess I’m feeling a little sassy.  Which is a silly word.  Actually, it used to be my daughter Riley’s favorite word.  What should we name this cat? Sassy.  What are you going to name your new doll?  Sassy.  What do you wish your name was? Sassy.

It’s Friday though, and it’s been a while – so maybe I can rally up five finds this week …..





We had rain tickets to Dollywood from our last visit.  (Did you know that? If it’s raining on your visit and you leave the park because of it, they will give you FREE tickets for another day that year.  What? We welcomed the rain!)

Anyway, last week we drove over the mountain for one rather long and exhausting day of gorgeous weather and stomach churning roller coasters.  We visited the park with another family and had a great time having company on all the rides and I loved not having to go on a roller coaster because another grown up was happy to risk motion sickness in my place.  Hooray!

At one point, the three adults toured Dolly’s tour bus.  (That’s another story, but I’ll save it for a different post.)  As part of the (rather short) tour bus tour, you are basically required to have a photo made on the bus.  Then that photo is printed outside for you to pay them extra money to purchase.

You. Guys.

As if it wasn’t hilarious enough to stand in Dolly Parton’s tour bus with two other adults and pose for a photo, the photo itself was beyond hilarious.  It’s like the ultimate third wheel ludicrous picture.  But – it gets better.

When you exit the bus, the staff at Dollywood really wants you to spend the extra money to buy the photo.

And every one knows it’s against the rules to take a photo of a photo they are trying to sell you.

But my friend Myra doesn’t care.  She makes her own rules.

As soon as she snaps the picture, the staff member reaches her hand out to block the photo and says, “No photos.”  Myra responds, “Oh, okay.  Sure.”

But it was too late.

This gem has already been recorded and if I loved a good joke more than I like keeping cash in my pocket, this would absolutely become some sort of messed up Christmas card for the masses.

Feast your eyes and enjoy.





I’m not ashamed to say that I borrow style and fashion ideas all the time from my friends, from people I see randomly and from pictures that come through all the various forms of media in my life.  Isn’t that what everyone does?  (I’m crossing my fingers that this is normal behavior.)

I think we all get ideas this way.  And then, when we wear that shirt just so or try the mixed patterns or whatever it is we saw and liked, we still put our own spin to it.  We still make it ours by using our clothing and our hair and our twist on whatever it is.  I try not to judge my kids too harshly when they show me a shirt they want because they saw someone else wearing something like that.  We all do this.  (I do try, however, to be aware of what is filtered in front of their eyes.)

And I love how individual style morphs and shifts in various seasons of our lives.  For the years that I was living at a camp and wrestling half a dozen small kids to and fro and up and down from the floor all day I think I would have called my style (if I even had the time to have one then) a camp style.  Skirts with shorts built in and t-shirts with positive messages or promoting the camp itself.  I still often dress that way in the summer or camping or hiking.

Anyway.  All that random build up to say that I have been admiring the Lauren Daigle hair on her latest album cover lately.



What is that she has holding her hair up?

Is it a scarf? A head wrap?  How did she get it up there and what has she done with her hair inside of it?

I need directions.

Tell me where to buy something like that and how to get it to stay on my head.




This isn’t about food.

It’s about fabulous Grove fall scents – or flavors.  (See what I did there?)

There’s a quick little promotion going on right now at The Grove.  And if YOU become a Grove customer through THIS LINK, then I get double referral points until Saturday.

So, you know, that’s motivating.

If you click here and make a $20 first time order, you get ALL of the following for free:

Free Mrs. Meyer’s Hand Soap
Free Mrs. Meyer’s Dish Soap
Free Mrs. Meyer’s Multi-surface Spray
Free Grove Walnut Scrubber Sponge
Free Grove Enamel Caddy

It’s such a great deal.  AND – the Christmas scents of Iowa Pine or Orange Clover or Peppermint are just the literal best.  Plus, I just ordered a new glass spray with a menthol scent and it is fantastic.  (By the way, I’m a pretty horrible window cleaner, turns out.  What do you use that you love – paper towels? Rags? Seriously – newspapers?  I’m not doing that one.  I don’t want to.)






Let’s stick with the theme, okay?

Lauren Daigle.  But not her hair, this time.

Her song.

Of course you’ve already heard it and I’m late to the game.  I’m always late to anything new or trendy.


It’s a beautiful song.

Be late to the game with me.





I love putting the little touches in our house.

This week I hung these numbers up.

I bought them a few years ago and they were from a local sign in our town.



When I was a little kid, riding the school bus, my mom would stand by the side of the road and hold her fingers up.  First one finger. Then four fingers.  Then three fingers.  One. Four. Three.

She told me that it meant I Love You.  It was a counting of the letters in each word.  Our family signed our letters and love notes like this.  We said it at the end of phone conversations and signed it to each other in parting.  One. Four. Three.

I love you.







One Comment

  • Ticcoa

    Newspapers work magically for windows. Seriously. I refuse to use anything. Try it–you might be surprised by how well you can wash windows.