
The Weekend Ramble: coconut milk and screen time


It sure does not feel like autumn anywhere locally.  I see photos of friends who live in Colorado and they are drinking hot cocoa and wearing their base layers already.  Why do I live in the south anyway?

(Bergen and I lament this weekly, at least.)

Queen Tallulah is ridiculously teddy-bear adorable.  And I don’t want to jinx our good fortune but we must have hit some sort of jackpot or something because she sleeps in her crate at night without whining.  Dear old Ryder did NOT come to us in the same manner.  Their big and littleness together though is too irresistible.



The boys had a backyard campout with friends this weekend and they slept in their hammocks and I’m so thankful for good friends who do fun things like that.  (Which is, of course, a large part of the answer to the question – why do I live in the South?)

Turns out, and I may have already said this, but I think I like coconut milk better than actual milk.  I’m so sorry Dad.  Will you ever forgive me? I’m actually looking forward to trying it on my oatmeal.  My OATMEAL.  Which I can go back to eating on Tuesday.  Glory Glory Hallelujah.



I finally did the most recent phone update and this morning my phone says to me something like “Want to see what your screen time was like last week?” and I was all, “Huh? That’s a thing? Sure.”


It. Was. Appalling.

I’m still reeling from the shame of it all.  

There it was – all in charts and forms and graphs and literal words.  How many hours I spent on Instagram and Facebook and Safari and email.  How much phone time and texting time and even Voxxer time.  What. In. The. Actual. World.

Yes, I run a business (two, sort of) that exist exclusively on the internet only, but still.  But. Still.



If I can do a Whole 30 and give up my beloved sugar for thirty days, maybe I need to transfer that newly discovered self control to checking Instagram, something I now have hard factual evidence that I use more than any other feature on my phone.  Granted, it is the largest means of revenue for Travelers Rest Here.  But it’s still shocking and apparently out of control.  So.  Yikes.  Someone please tell me they’ve checked that new feature on their phone and need to curb some usage as well.



