Book Reviews,  HomeLife

Five Finds Friday (a couple short finds and a funny video)


The weather this week has been spectacular.  Blue skies and sunshine.  And I’ve been so happy about that.

The list of things to do this week has been regularly long – but starting with the mindset that my life is full and not busy has been surprisingly so helpful.  Hasn’t changed the to-do list but it has shaped my attitude.

Also – I can’t come up with all the fives this week.  What can I say?  I’ll give you what I’ve got and we’ll have to choose to be satisfied with that.





Tripp and Tyler have a new video out and it makes me laugh.  (What if candy was currency?)





While I find it obnoxious that Instagram and Facebook frequently post ads, I also sometimes find myself being drawn to what they’re selling.  (I know.  I KNOW.  This is exactly why it all keeps happening.)


I think this dress is lovely.  That is all.





I finished reading God Has a Name by John Mark Comer.  Although his writing style of over friendly didn’t fit the format I like best in a non fiction book, I really gained a lot of helpful truths and enlightenment from his writing.  I underlined and dog eared a fair amount of the book, which I find to be a sign of a good read.




I hope I never outgrow my affection for surprises.  Since I’m forty four years old (!!!) I’m thinking that my chances for keeping that love are pretty strong.  (Wait – let me clarify.  I’m mostly talking about HAPPY surprises.  My love for happy surprises.  Not like the surprise of a frog on my pillow or a kid coming to me with a bleeding foot injury.  Not those sort of surprises.)

This week my nephew – grown up man that he is – about to be a college graduate THIS weekend, surprised me.  He and his sweet girlfriend sent me a package for Mother’s Day.  That’s pretty fantastic – isn’t it?

I love the gift – a really great camping supply set that I can’t wait to use.  And you know what else I really love?  That this busy guy took time to think about me and then actually took the time for the follow through of sending said gift.


