Field Trip

wednesday by the water


The fact that it is November is shocking to me.

What is happening to the days?  The years?  All of it!!

Also.  My children went swimming today.  In November.  That feels crazy.

We carry our Nature Notes with us on our adventures and today was so slam-packed full of nature happenings that our November 2 notecard is now full; we had to move to the back of the card!


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The list included: dolphins, a crow not two feet away making the most unusual noises – clicks and such – that I’ve never heard, sand dollar, one trillion hermit crabs, a starfish that was in the process of growing back two of his starfish arms, two alligators (!), a blue heron, gobs of seagulls, a crow stealing and carrying away the discovered starfish, conch shells, shark’s teeth.

In other news, going to the beach to and fro always requires So Much Carrying Of Stuff.  It’s endlessly better now that kids are bigger and carry their own share of stuff, but still.  It’s a lot of things.


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Hilary noted that Otto, without discussing it with anyone, felt it appropriate to just meander up to a sand dune, turn his body away from the shore (and toward the condos) and empty his bladder.  Whose son is that anyway?

I’m really getting engrossed in Cindy Rollin’s Mere Motherhood on this trip.  I had no idea that she helped begin one of my very favorite homeschool resources for a Charlotte Mason education – Ambleside Online.

The best part of today, though, was the time spent on the sand, by the water.


Tank tops.  Shouts of laughter.  Brothers on borrowed boogie boards.


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Shells piled up and feet digging in the sand.

And, oh yes – the sun. shine.

Bring it all to us, waves.

The sun.  The surf.  The joy.  The friendship.

Bring it in.

What we can’t shove in assorted zip-lic baggies and old salsa jars, we’ll put in our pockets and in our journals and in our memories.


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