Field Trip,  Mosely Ella Claiborne

my date with mosely, good things are coming

Hi friends.

This weekend the weather has been my favorite.

A pleasant sort of warmth.  A breezy sort of breeze.  Pollen low and skies clear.

Mosely and I sauntered off to enjoy her Christmas gift date – tickets to see The Sound of Music.   (Best Christmas gift idea ever – by the way.  I’ve enjoyed four incredible dates to events I’ve really wanted to see too – with people I really like seeing them with.  Only one date left to go!)


Mosely had gotten a snazzy new short haircut the day before (we have the best hairdresser!) and she looked so cute.

Our seats were pretty much as far back as you could go.  (But we thought ahead of time and brought the binoculars.)  We were so high up I almost felt queasy.  (An additional sign of my increasing old age.)


But we had a fabulous afternoon together and the musical was just lovely and full of all of our favorite songs that make this musical such a classic.


The scene at the end of the show where the Von Trapp Family Singers are performing before their escape across the mountain features a back drop of four or five gigantic banners bearing the Nazi swastika.  The banners took up the entire stage and even though it was just a musical, a very familiar musical, seeing those iconic emblems of hate and prejudice and persecution, of murder and cruelty unimagined, was still uncomfortable to me.

We did both really love the performance though – it was so well-delivered and just such a fun afternoon with Mosely.

(Side note: The musical was about three hours long.  Gobs of familiar songs.  We were a million miles away from the stage.  Three kisses occurred on stage.  One on the check between Rolf and Liesel.  The other two less PG, but still appropriate to life and the scene.  And yet, that one main they-just-discovered-they-were-in-love kiss was the primary topic of conversation between Mosely and the two “big” kids when she returned home.  Which began an entirely too in-depth discussion about kissing.  Oh my word.  Who knew being a parent would involve so much explaining and naming of such actions?  This is a hard gig, you guys, this parenting pre-adolescents.)


In other news, this week should be a good blog week over here you guys, so stick around.

Tomorrow I have a new ePantry (but they’ve changed their name to Grove Collaborative) deal that is super fantastic.  So, if you’ve never made the leap to commit to the Grove program, wait until tomorrow.  But then don’t wait any longer.  And there’s even a fun freebie for you already regular members at Grove.

Also – did you notice the change over there on the right hand side?

The ad banners removed (goodbye sweet Little House on the Prairie sites) and the ad spots added (hello KOA and Lost Valley Ranch)!

Oh man, oh man.  One day this week I promise to fill you in on the yellow KOA goodness and the reason a ranch in Colorado is on the side bar now.  (Hint: the reasons for both are intertwined.)

Don’t the ads look so nice though?

I’ve had such great and generous assistance this year for all things technical over here on this website — my buddy Erik was helping out with ads and blog whatnot for the past year and he was just so wonderful.  Then last weekend he stood beside a beautiful woman and pledged his lifelong commitment to her and they were off on the west coast honeymooning in flannel and are now making their home together in the desert.  (We’ll miss them both on the east coast.)   Up steps another buddy – Micah – and he works his magic over the weekend and brings forward the ads that need to currently be in the spotlight.  And I’m just so thankful for such talented and kind friends.


I hope your weekends were great.  I hope you spent time outside with people you like and who like you back.  I hope your laundry pile in no way resembles mine.  I hope you ate delicious food and laughed more than you frowned.

One Comment

  • Sara

    What a fun post. Thanks.

    And whoa….Moseley looks…almost grown. Hold on. Hold on tightly. The home years are shortening.