a couple things …
I just finished reading Jane Eyre for the 19th time. (At least.) I just adore the novel. Every single time I read it something new strikes me. I see it with different eyes.

Remember the cool Literature Odyssey I was planning to take my students on last year? The one that was canceled when everything for everyone was cancelled?
We’re reinventing it a little bit. It’s a teeny bit less literary (because so many of our spots in Massachusetts are still closed) and that hurts my literary-loving heart. But it’s also still really fun and (Lord willing) will take place in June and involves seeing wild ponies. I’m just excited to plan trips again. In my next life, I’ll be a trip planner. Maybe later in this life, actually. I’ll plan themed trips for people. It’s so fun to me. I once created a job like that at the school where I taught in Virginia. I organized field trips, guest speakers and extracurricular events. It was dreamy.
Graduation is on an actual count down now and the numbers are about to reach SINGLE DIGITS. If you have a big popcorn machine or any ideas for cute completely self contained snacks for the party, I’m all ears. (I want to NOT need plates or forks. I don’t want to heat or cool anything. Think grab and go – but adorable.)
I’m feeling exactly what you think I’m feeling about graduation. Here’s a sampling: Oh, it’s so exciting. I’m so proud of London. I’m so proud of me. I love a good party. I cannot accept the ending of London’s high school. There’s so much more I meant to teach her. So many more books she should have read. It’s TOO fast. She’s so interesting. The twinkly lights will look cute outside. I hope it is sunny and pleasant. I have no back up plan if it isn’t. What can I put those twinkly lights on? Why are poles to hook lights on selling on Amazon for $129??? I’m glad so many friends are coming to watch her graduate. What if there’s not enough food? What am I supposed to say to sum up 13 years of deeply planned and obsessed over educating?
I’ve already confessed I’m a mess. There’s just some more evidence.
Also – look. Bergen is driving too!!

After the happy chaos of May subsides (and it WILL subside and there’s grief and hope in that too) I am hoping to focus in again on this book I’m trying to write. It’s been pushed to the background a little. Some mysterious person has offered me a scholarship to take Ruth’s writing class again and that’s a crazy out of the blue gift and I’m so grateful (and nervous) to have the focus and accountability of the writing instruction again.
With that in mind, I’m trying a new feature on the blog and maybe you guys can help me out a little. There’s a new SUBSCRIBE button up top (or if you’re reading on your phone, I guess it’s in a drop down menu).
Would you be willing to subscribe?
Truthfully, I cannot exactly guarantee what that means for your inbox yet. I’m figuring it out. But what I believe it means is two fold.
One. You should receive an email every time I put up a new post. I think you’ll be able to read it right in your inbox or it may take you to a link back here. That’s the part I’m working on.
Two. It creates a mailing/subscriber/email list and apparently, I look better to a potential publisher if I have folks who are kind enough to already read what I write.
We’ve got two weeks left of school over here and I’m doing my best to treat them like real days and not garbage days. I have a big breakfast planned for the last day – the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL WITH FIVE KIDS at home. (Yep, you guessed it. I feel emotional about it. See previous post about my being a mess.)
I hope your weeks are off to fabulous starts and I’m legitimately thankful every time you click through and follow along. Thank you.