spring madness. it has descended upon us.
Unable to complete tasks I begin.
Moving from one space to the next.
I remember feeling this way at the end of my senior year of college. (Probably my senior year of high school too but that’s so very long ago.)
This is what spring and right now looks like at my house.
We’re all just barely holding on.
This is a picture of my car. It is where I sit sometimes when I want to be alone or have a private conversation. I call it my office.

I’m ready to pull the plug on assignments and what difference does any of it make anyway and it’s getting pretty hard to not hit snooze six more times and when Otto asks if he really needs to finish all the units in his math program I can’t help it – my shoulders just naturally start to shrug.
Am I sympathetic to my teens and their apathy right now?
Is the entire universe saying that it’s tired?
Did you know that there are entire YouTube channels dedicated to folks sitting in chairs and reading out loud?
I did not know this.
But now I have found my calling.
I will sit in chairs and read books out loud to the air and perhaps my daughter will record and edit them for me and perhaps students desperate to not read Jane Eyre to themselves will click on me sitting in my chair and they’ll put me on two times speed but I won’t know and I won’t care.
Do you ever look in the mirror and say to yourself, “Who are you? What are you doing here? When did your hair start thinning? Were your eyebrows once upon a time more full than they are right now?”
I don’t do that either.
I’m one hundred percent writing this post because I don’t want to be doing the other to-do items on my list.
I had a zoom meeting today with an admissions counselor at Lipscomb University. We talked about financial aid and the gaping hole between what aid London received and how many dollar bills still remain to make college happen in the fall. She and I are both pretty sick and tired of talking and thinking and deciding about college and money and scholarships and if anyone knows if there’s a scholarship out there for a kid whose mom just wants to sit on a sofa and read literature out loud to no one then will you please drop me a line, shoot me a text, slide into my DMs or send a giant wad of cash to my front door. thank you in advance. best wishes. kind regards.
Someone in my house borrowed my laptop for a recipe and now there’s something sticky on the right side and the blinds inside our double doors broke this week and that makes me feel trapped when I can’t see out the door clearly.
I’m as much fun in person as I am in this post. Just ask my kids.