five finds friday (mustaches & embroidery)
If I repeat myself over here week to week, I’m going to ask you all to forgive me. Maybe it’s old age, adult ADHD or too many distractions, but my memory is just not too impressive of late.
Plus, I’m writing this while also “watching” Home Alone 2 with the kids and occasionally I have to watch the nonsense on the screen. (How terrible are those parents? How skilled is Kevin? How lame are those criminals?)
This week we officially started Christmas Break and it seems like, as the homeschool years progress, I’m even more excited to see break than my kids are. (Or at least as equally excited.)

The kids had a Christmas youth group party this week with their annual white elephant gift exchange.
And Otto came home with a set of fake mustaches that keep appearing randomly.

Clothing styles are a funny thing. They cycle back around with just a few changes.
Remember mock turtlenecks in the 80s and 90s? London went shopping with her friend and they came home with sweatshirts with that same mock turtleneck I remember so well!
Back in college – oh goodness, let’s say 25 years ago – I used to routinely shop at a Gap outlet near Cincinnati, Ohio. This particular outlet was Crazy Town cheap and on the drive from my college to one of my roomie’s homes so we would frequent it often.
We bought overalls that matched one another, too many flannel shirts to confess here, khakis like they were going out of style (which we immediately cut off into shorts) and sweaters and jackets at rock bottom rates.
Recently I pulled one of those long-ago purchased sweaters out of the top of my closet. Truthfully, I’ve been wearing it off and on for nearly three decades.
Mosely immediately loved it and has been wearing it about every other day since then.
Styles. They all just come back around.

I like plain donuts, classic glazed. I like vanilla ice cream. I like Golden Oreos better than traditional Oreos. Those shortbread cookies that abound this time of year? Some of my favorites!
There’s a new bakery and pastry spot in TR – Sidewall Pastry Kitchen.
And I finally had the chance to try one of their donuts.
I went for the brioche donut with vanilla glaze.

Oh my word, outstanding!
I have the privilege of remodeling our bathroom. And I’m really grateful.
I have a specific budget and, as I am learning, every remodel costs more money than expected. But I’ve been so thankful for the many small ways that parts of this have come together. Random low prices on toilets (who knew those were so expensive?) and light fixtures that are on sale that are actually my first choice.
I often cannot believe that I don’t have tiny kids any longer. And, cliche as it sounds, I miss those days in many many ways. I loved leading that happy little gang on adventures and making even the simplest routines fun and game-like. (Sometimes I think we all have parenting golden years, where our skill set is strongest. Some moms are baby whisperers. Some moms are toddler gurus. I think the middle elementary years were where I did my best work.)
It seems gone are the days where kids explored random and varied artistic pursuits just for fun – pearler beads and a million art projects, pipe cleaners and crocheted animals. I loved all of those creations.
When Otto came home from that Christmas party with the mustaches, he also had another present – an embroidery hoop and pattern. I assumed he would pass it on to someone else because it didn’t seem like it would be his thing.
I suggested something along those lines and he was aghast. “I want to try this, Mom,” he said.
That was yesterday.
He started it last night, set it aside only to sleep because that was required of him. Picked it up this morning and carried it with him as we drove across the mountain to Brevard for our annual pottery shop tradition and kept at it until a few hours ago he handed me this little charmer ….

Maybe those sweet days aren’t entirely behind me.