The Things That We Keep Doing
It doesn’t matter if I am suffering from writer’s block or insomnia, if the laundry gets finished or the meals are full of protein and vitamin-rich choices.
Whether those things happen or those things don’t happen, Life Keeps Marching Along.
Last weekend Saylor turned one.
We celebrated with cake and streamers and sunshine.

We drove to the beach for a day with Hannah because she’s moving to Kentucky next week. (I found my first sand dollar and the waves were the calmest I’ve ever seen.)

I convinced Beth to finally get the Marco Polo app so we could keep up more quickly.
The beautiful mural in our town is officially completed.
See? The life keeps moving along.
We’re basically at Thanksgiving and almost halfway through London’s senior year. Bergen has his learner’s permit and Mosely takes her driver’s test next week and car insurance rates are rivaling the grocery bill.

This is where I am.
I state facts and call it writing.
Creativity is at an all time low and what little I can seem to muster is reserved for work and kids. And maybe for rearranging furniture.
This week my friend Clint completed two outdoor projects that have been on my To Do list for ages: a legit fire pit and a hammock garden. (It’s a series of poles designed for hanging hammocks together in a group, but Hammock Garden sounds so cool.) He did a fabulous job and if you’re looking for a local guy for work, I’ll send you his way.)

And so, while the funk still lingers, the days sure don’t.
We’re all doing The Next Thing. I’m reading books to my kids – just not as many. (I miss the reading years of homeschool. They were my favorite.) I’m making lists. (Like Christmas ones, because WHAT? It’s here too!)
The weather is cold and that makes me happy. London keeps saying that she has read that this winter is going to be mild and that makes me less happy.
Oh – and I bought a LEAF BLOWER. (Yes, I am THAT excited about it.)

Tell me your regulars, your days that keep rolling along, the things you keep doing even when it feels like you’re not doing anything at all.