I just want to do it all.
And also.
I want to do nothing.
Is this the human condition?
Or is this just the working mom condition?
Or the pandemic year condition?
It’s a painfully beautiful afternoon and I’m sitting on my deck and I have my lists spread out around me and those lists have sublists (but NOT outlines, I hate those suckers) and my kids are spread out across the globe (and by globe I mean our town) and I should be checking off items but I’m writing this.

I told you about The Book. And it’s progressing. Slowly. Ruth is a pretty fabulous instructor and a stellar editor. But this writing schtick takes TIME and it’s hard to come by. And, truthfully, writing in that space has given me less time to write in this space.
And I miss this space.
- Because this writing is so life-giving to me.
- Because this writing is edit-free. Ha. I mean, sure, I self-edit but no one corrects my sentences. Maybe they should, but they don’t.
- Because I love this little community of us – writer and readers. As in, I am literally thankful (and continually happy-surprised) that you keep reading. It’s been a loooooong time that I’ve maintained(ish) this blog and you all just keep being faithful to follow along. THANK YOU.
- Because this also serves as a memory-keeper and an emotions-balancer for me. I write to see what I think and what I feel and to find value in the living of it all. Cheap therapy, right?
Over the last week or so London has applied to college. !!! Riley has decided to homeschool her son. !!! I’m trying to decide between a few home projects and wishing I had a bazillion dollars. Actually, I wish I had $60,000. That’s the more exact number I wish for. I like to be reasonable, after all.
Also over the last two days my teenagers (there’s FOUR of them, I feel the need to remind everyone of this) have consumed two gallons of milk. How is that possible? I can’t meet that demand.
Today I just want to say I’m still here. I’ll show up when I can. You show up when you can. But, you know, let’s not lose touch entirely, okay?
Because this space brings value to my life and I sure do hope it brings a little value to yours too.