
Five Finds Friday (Saylor’s reading and Ryder got a haircut)

We’re beginning to find a rhythm to school and to work again.

Which, you know, means that some glitch will happen soon. When my kids were babies, it always seemed like as soon as you figured out a good sleep schedule or as soon as baby learned to nap routinely, then a growth spurt happened or we took a trip that threw them out of sync again.

It’s really no different with teens and big kids either.

But we’ve all made it to Friday so congratulate yourself.


Saylor has some big plans to shape her life from an early age.


Watermelons at the end of the season are such a treat.

It’s a little like saying goodbye to a good friend who you know you’ll get to see again – but not for another year.

I’m legitimately sad to see the end of fresh local fruit for a time.

This one was extra special because it came from a friend’s garden and he saved it just for us!


Our buddy Ryder (who is already FIVE years old) got a bath and a trim recently.

He needed it so badly.

The groomer is delightful and did such a great job on a pup whose fur had gotten out of control in the worst sort of way.


The kindness of God has allowed me to start, maintain and grow a business that allows me to love where I live and talk about it as a job.

That’s pretty fortunate.

And the goodness of such a job, with its incredible flexibility and skills tailor suited to mine, is not lost on me.


Teaching high school students is fun. And. Not fun.

They can be a tough audience and nothing you do as a teacher (dance, sing, make puppets out of string) really seems to impress them.

So when I was at class today and a student unexpectedly made a gift for me – it truly made my day.

And – even better – it was the cutest work of art. As in, I would have purchased this myself at a shop.

There are good kids out there. There’s hope for our future. (And not just because they give me stuff.)
