Five Finds Friday (tiny bags of bacon & I need a grits recipe for the Instant Pot)
Can you make a living as a Master Procrastinator?
I don’t mean one of those ordinary procrastinators who puts off a big assignment or a task every now and then.
I mean like – a MAJOR procrastinator.
I’ll look for a way – next week.

We had breakfast for dinner recently. Made Instant Pot grits. (Which will have its own category a few paragraphs down.)
One of the toppings was bacon.
As we were cleaning up after dinner there was actually a small (and I do mean tiny) portion of bacon left. Instead of eating it, I thought I’d save it for one of our lunches. (Summer lunches have been Mother May I for a loooong time.) Perhaps I could add it to some delicious umami foods or something else equally as lovely.
I was thinking it would be the perfect little topping for a single serving.
I reached into the drawer for a baggie to store it in when I found the most perfect miniature bag.
I inserted the bacon and found myself laughing almost hysterically. I called the kids in to share in my amusement.
The minuscule amount of bacon in a minuscule baggie was just too funny for me.

We aren’t a fashionable folk this summer. It’s far too many days of some form of lounging clothes and only wearing pseudo professional clothing for the few out-of-the-house work days.
However, on one of those days recently where I put on a dress to go to work, it was to head to a local boutique for a podcast recording. Beyond the Threads is in TR and has a really fantastic (and ever changing) selection of dresses and shirts and leggings and all sorts of cute clothes.)
And there I saw this adorable dress. (It’s sad that so many dresses look best on those lucky tall girls – but that’s alright.)

There are some places that are so life giving, so lovely, that they refresh your very soul just by existing. Just the few hours I spend at a place like that makes me breathe lighter again.
One of those spots is the magical Lake Jocassee.

I’m so thankful these spots of beauty exist and remind me of the God who crafted them all.

Okay. So about those Instant Pot Grits.
They were fine. In some ways, good. But I followed the directions exactly and it was really far too runny. However, I love the idea of grits in the Instant Pot because that seems so perfect.
Anyone have a tried and true recipe or formula for better success in my next attempt at Instant Pot Grits?

He’s just real fun to spend a day with.

Helen Rutrough
If they are instant grits you could add some grits and then put the lid back on and just let them sit for a few minutes to steam done. Then stir before serving. That is unless you have starving kids that need to eat now! lol.
Helen Rutrough
Instant Pot Grits…can you still use the same recipe and just use less water or add more grits? That’s what I do when I make them on the stove. Too runny add grits. Too thick add water.
But have you ever made cheese grits? For 2 people I only use a small amount of Velvetta cheese and it melts quickly. Oh, so good! We don’t eat them any other way now.
Cheesy grits are SO good. And yes – you can add more water or grits on the stove but somehow it seemed harder to add more grits to the instant pot since it was already done cooking when I realized it was too watery!