Five Finds Friday (pumpkin bars, earrings (!) and my kids dressed like historical figures)
Well the weather has been dreamy. The days have been full. The teens have been teen-y. The budget has been stretched. The meals have been quick and sometimes eaten standing up. The water pressure has been sinking.
But we’re at the weekend and that’s good news.

We’re reading a book out loud before bed called Right Ho, Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse.
It’s my first Wodehouse novel and it’s quirky and downright hilarious. It has Berg laughing loudly on almost every page.
We had the pleasure of Oma and Pape Dale stopping by last Friday night.
And – the tragedy is – we did not take one single photo. What? That’s lame of me and I regret this oversight.
But I can share a photo for you of the pumpkin bars we had that night after our campfire.

Of course, this is a photo that Paula Dean took. Well, I doubt she actually took the photo. I mean, I don’t even know if she knows this website is associated with her. I’m sure she has people who manage those sort of things. Like photos and websites. Maybe one day I’ll have people to whom I can outsource the details of my day. Like laundry and mopping.
They’re delicious. The frosting is sweet, but the bars aren’t over the top sweet and they were so tasty!
A few weeks ago there was a weekend art show locally called Art on the Trail. I love attending it every year.
This year, Berg was the only volunteer to wander the streets and booths with me.
And I was immediately drawn to this booth and these incredible dangling earrings.
They’re gigantic. And so light you forget you’re wearing them.
They change up a pair of jeans and a t-shirt to look like a plan.
She’s here in Greenville but she’s British so everything she says is cooler.

This is the artist herself. She’s so pretty – right?
And she was enthusiastic and lots of fun to talk to.
I fell in love with the pink version of these earrings.

She had a sale happening at the booth – so WIN for me. You’ll likely see me wear these – oh, I don’t know – EVERY day.
Two of my children participated in a wax museum at Meadowlark this week.
It was downright darling.
I don’t like projects. I’m not into crafts. I don’t love the big effort of pulling these sort of ideas off. So, internally, I complain when these assignments make their way into my home.
But, when this classroom full of wax figures, Ben Franklin and Wilbur Wright, Amy Carmichael and Anne Frank, were all set up and in place, I started to feel differently.
Which is how I feel after every event like this.
Thankful – ever so thankful – for teachers who do require such a workload from my children. Teachers who do think this is a good idea.
Because it is.
Of course it is.

It’s a good idea to do hard work. It’s a good idea to stand in front of people and memorize a little something and to talk about it – loud and clear and for all to hear.
And my own Amelia Earhart and Houdini stood in their spots, props and costumes in place, speeches mostly memorized, tri fold boards completed.

And my heart reminded me of what special humans these kids are, with their hearts on their sleeves and their places on the stage.

I spent a little time alone reading a book with this back drop recently.

I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.
– George Washington Carver