five finds friday (college talk, meeting the Okee Dokee Brothers)
You guys. Every week is a BLINK. I do not know what is happening.
I legitimately barely have any time to write at all these days.
I’m telling myself it’s just a season. But I don’t know if that’s the truth or not.

This week we took our first college tour.
“They” say you are supposed to begin these college tour things in your junior year.
I have a lot of feelings (I know no one is surprised) about college – and I’m not even talking about the missing my kid part. I mean about the price gouging and the expectations and the hoops we jump through. (But I will choose to refrain from the soap box. Today.)
Anyway, at this tour we each received a free t-shirt. That was fun. But the admissions fellow, a great young man, accidentally gave us an extra large t-shirt.
And I declared that it was so large that Mosely and I could both fit into it. At the same time.
Of course, I needed to prove this.
She wasn’t really down with this plan, but that didn’t stop me.
And then London took photos to prove that I was, indeed, correct.

Ramble & Company – this shirt. I just love it.

The only problem with this is that I don’t think you can order this shirt without committing to one of those monthly or quarterly box subscriptions. Which I actually think sounds like so much fun. Giving yourself a “surprise” box to open every month. Sign me up for all of these. Except. They also cost money. And let’s just go ahead and admit – this is not a good time of life for me to be spending extra dollar bills, what with all the teenagers and car insurance, looming college choices and driving school and all that food these people keep insisting on consuming. I know you hear me.
This week I tried a burger from a local food tuck.
It’s called HipBurger.
Supposedly the burger resembles burgers from In and Out, a place I have no clue about and I think is only located on the West Coast.
I ordered their regular burger and their garlic parmesean fries.
It was delicious.
Seriously a great little burger! I loved whatever sauce they used, the flavor of the bun and just the entire burger. And the fries! Terrific!

Listen. The future can be kind of scary.
It’s so, you know, unknown.
And I already feel like I’m suffering from whiplash when I look at photos like this:

These three were definitely just babies two minutes ago. They were dressing up as “bad guys” and listening to Michael Jackson (I can’t explain that.) They were sneaking cookies and making the dogs ride their tricycles. They were playing with Calico Critters and writing their own newspapers.
And now we’re looking at colleges and they are doing algebra. They talk every.single.day about their future lives and their future apartments with their friends (and the food they will eat when no one is monitoring it any longer) and what jobs they might have.
They’re hopeful and they’re scared. (Me too, guys. ME TOO.)
I have my worries and I have my moments. But I feel really okay about the unknown. I feel fine with the open hands and the I don’t know if college is right for all of them or any of them for a myriad of reasons.
I feel okay. I do not feel panicked. (Not right at this second.)
Maybe it’s because I’m eating my feelings or because I’m focusing on putting out other fires right now.
But I think it’s because God has shown this family OVER AND OVER that He can and does provide.
He makes a way.
He always makes a way.
And I believe that I can trust He has a right and true plan for these three heads and hearts that I just love so very much.
Last week – listening to the Okee Dokee Brothers. Front row seats. With our friends.
Meeting them after their concert.

It was a delight.