weekend ramble (soccer starts & the sun is back)
This weekend . . .
Piper played her first game of this year’s soccer season.
It was muddy. Very muddy. Wet. Also cold.

Turns out, London’s really into cheering – and offering unsolicited coaching advice – loudly.
I took eight kids to see How to Train Your Dragon 3.
It was fine. It felt like, oh, I don’t know, versions 1 and 2.
I begged/pleaded/forced London to make me another of her delicious grilled cheese sandwich creations.
It took more convincing than it should have for the child to whom I gave LIFE to craft me said sandwich, but whatever.
I procrastinated on my work articles for the entire weekend and I don’t know why it is that an article that should take about one hour to write takes three when you just are fighting against no inspiration.
The sun began to shine, which made up for the loss of the extra hour of sleep.
The big kids went out with friends, which left the two youngest at home with me and it was as if they had forgotten how to live their own lives. For the better part of an afternoon they sat around all rejected and sad faced, unable to decide between Monopoly or Legos, trampoline or basketball, baking or drawing. It was pitiful. I offered no support.

For more than an hour all was quiet at my house and it was glorious.
And now it’s a brand new week and the sun is expected to shine and will be in the sky longer into the evenings and I will greet that change with wide open arms.
How was your weekend?