weekend ramble (break week is over, we threw axes, I want the sunshine to stay)
Although break weeks are glorious, they are also troubling.
They end too quickly.
We stay up too late.
Our meals are haphazard and not at usual times.
We all get a little extra sad when they are over.
And this break week pretty much rained every single second of every single day.

Here are a few things that happened:
Mosely made a nearly perfect chocolate cake with some sort of dreamy fudge icing.
Ryder enjoyed the remainder of the fudge icing because we walked out of the kitchen thoughtlessly.
I started reading a collection of poems by Billy Collins that are so wonderful.
I had a half day window of time that I was actually caught up on all of my Travelers Rest Here work.
That window closed too rapidly and now I am almost back to where I started.
I perused World Market for a luxurious hour alone, dreaming of owning rugs that puppies wouldn’t pee on.
Some furniture was rearranged.
A sick red fox or a small coyote decided to visit our front yard and die a sad death under the culvert at the end of our driveway.
Also, Bergen and I enjoyed his Christmas present. We had tacos and threw axes.

As a country kid, it did make me laugh a little that we paid money to stand in makeshift lanes and throw hatchets at a row of boards nailed to a wall.
Basically, growing up, we did that for free – and way less safely – a ton of times on the sides of barns and trees.
But my thirteen year old son is not growing up on a farm and so the novelty was quite attractive to him.

In truth, we had a blast. He’s an easy guy to be with. Funny, smart and clever. He was quick to make sure we both had equal turns. He’s ridiculously grateful and verbalizes that gratitude frequently.

We threw axes for an hour and literally – my arms and abs are sore. (But that’s really because of my shameful lack of exercise over the last several months.)
At the end, we even got to throw ninja stars of some sort. Berg was in heaven. It was terribly satisfying.
In other news, while we chatted, I discovered that Bergen recently read Stephen Hawking’s The Universe in a Nutshell three times. What?

The sun came out on Sunday and although the wind was strong, we rejoiced to see sunshine.
I hope it sticks around.