weekend ramble (fishing, manicures and Noonday)
Time spent on work this weekend?
Very little.
And what a delight that was.
(Of course, like any good grown up will tell you, time spent not doing work does not mean there is not work to do and the fact is – it is certainly out in cyber space and on lists waiting for my return.)
Friday night I went to a little shop for a pedicure I’ve been intending to get since October probably. And somehow, while I was waiting for my turn, I got talked into receiving a manicure as well. Talked into by the nail tech and the kindest older lady receiving one herself. (She was on her way out to a Valentine’s date with her husband of more than forty years so she seemed like a good choice to influence me I guess.)
It was a fancy manicure where they used some sort of powder that turned into nail polish? I don’t know. I’m not really a manicure girl, but this was kind of fun and if they last more than a few days, it is sort of a treat to have pretty hands as I watch them type. (Admittedly, they don’t look like my own hands. Which adds to the curiosity here.)

I entertained myself with a couple Hulu or Netflix shows. Single Parents. (I think it’s funny.) A Million Little Things. (I think it’s purposefully a heart breaker but I like it anyway.) The Kids Are Alright. (Literally the funniest show I’ve watched in years.)
The boys and I attended the 201 Fly Tying class at Orvis.

It was definitely harder but the boys loved it. I’m dangerously feeding their fishing obsession. Crossing our fingers that Bergen and I will experience fly fishing this summer at Lost Valley Ranch though. My first (and only) fly fishing experience was in a gorgeous Colorado lake when I was 21 years old. Feels right to have my second experience in Colorado again with a much more handsome and lovable young man than my first go round. (No offense Jeremiah Whose Last Name I Can Not Even Recall.) Also, I’m totally into the fascination of creating a fly myself and then catching an actual fish on the fly I crafted.

I’m still hosting that Noonday Trunk Show – you have a literal day or so to place your final orders – and if you order something before this evening – you get a free gift. (I actually don’t know what it is – my sweet host Hanna is picking the gifts.)
Place your orders through this link!
There are some great sales happening now too.
That’s pretty much the weekend ramble in a long winded ….. ramble.
Also, in other Very Important At Our House news — it’s BREAK WEEK. (Can you hear us all celebrating?)