Noonday Trunk Show
Here are some things I love:
Staying at home.
Taking adventures.
Hot tea.
Big earrings.
Sunny days.
Hiking with people who are also happy to be hiking.
Stacking several bracelets on one wrist.
Clean sheets.
When shopping is also for a good cause.
Dinner cooked for me.
Today’s post will not combine all of those. But it will hit on a few.
I’m hosting a Noonday Trunk Show.

Which means you can sit at home or at a coffee shop or in the parking lot of wherever your kid takes karate lessons/soccer practice/gymnastics and you can scroll through the spring lineup of Noonday earrings and bracelets and headbands and scarves and handbags and necklaces and you can order a birthday present or a treat for yourself or if you’re that person, a Christmas gift.

Can I pull off yellow earrings? I like yellow. But I get afraid to wear it.
The show is open all this week and then Sunday there’s a Facebook live event – or something like that. (You can see how well informed I am.)
But you can click on this link – Noonday Trunk Show – and order any time you want.
It’s that easy.

My host for the show is Hanna. She’s fantastic. We met at a lovely little spot in the mountains of Colorado. (Yeah, you know. The ranch. I’m sorry. I’ll never stop talking about it.)
Hanna was employed at Lost Valley when we met but she has since left the ranch and gotten married (to the once upon a time head wrangler, no less) and now she and her husband live in Colorado. She’s a talented photographer and a Noonday ambassador.
So click away. Go crazy. Buy all the things.

Right here – Noonday Trunk Show.
