
the ramble (weekend & beyond)

I won’t pretend to try to keep up with all the holiday happenings and shenanigans.  

I will say that we were out of school for the better part of three weeks and I didn’t spend any day where I thought, “I have gobs of extra time here” and yet I didn’t write anything for this blog and I barely worked  for Travelers Rest Here and I didn’t teach school – Wildwood or Meadowlark – and we didn’t take any big traveling adventure.

What on earth did we do? 

We did rest.  And we did celebrate the holidays in lots of our favorite ways and traditions.  It was beautiful to usher in Christmas at The Burrow and to ring in the new year with sweet friends at our own kitchen table.  It felt ….. rich and full and vibrant.  That was more than enough.

But what else did we do?

We celebrated this dreamy brown eyed girl’s fifteenth birthday.

We walked in the woods when we could.  (Between long long bouts of rain.)

London and Ryder corroborated to try to prove that Ryder is also a lap dog.  

You can decide if they are accurate or not.

We visited and played with cute nephews who are growing bigger each week.

We made it up to Asheville for our annual viewing of the gingerbread houses at Grove Park Inn.  And the kids still call it dressing “fancy” when we go there but really, it should just be called dressing in “clean clothing”.

We took down the Christmas tree and felt like our house doubled in size and of course I rearranged because I could and with a little help from our friends we hung up a few hooks for indoor swings and I let the kids roll around on their new scooters inside so now I can officially declare myself as a “Fun Mom”.

And this weekend the sun finally returned again and although I’d pick snow in January, I was so glad to see the sun that I forgave it for delivering spring like temperatures here in winter and we celebrated a positively restful sabbath with brunch on the porch.

That’s not everything, but it sure is plenty and it felt like plenty to us then too.


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