
because I can.


I don’t have anything to say.

That’s why I thought I’d sit down to type a blog post.

Whole 30 has not made me unreasonably hungry.  The food is plentiful and tasty.  What it has made me is tired of chopping and cutting and cleaning up afterwards.  It has made me tired of planning.  And tired of thinking ahead about food.  It all feels annoying.

Apparently, according to the websites and stuff, I am at the “Kill Everything” phase of this 30 day process.

What?  That’s crazy talk.  I feel fine.  I don’t want to kill anything.

Except that obnoxiously loud flying insect that somehow dared to enter my home tonight.
And I’m kind of annoyed at whichever kid insists on leaving his or her pencils on every flat surface of our home.
And how hard is it to see that the trash needs to be brought back up the driveway and for someone to take initiative and do that?
Also – why doesn’t everyone in my home fold the towels like I fold the towels – accurately?
Who thinks it’s okay to leave THREE pairs of shoes by the door – how many shoes does that one child wear when they leave the house?

Oh wait.

I see what they mean.

No, but seriously.  Mostly I am just trying not to think about how many days loom large ahead of me before I can eat a pastry, and instead am trying to say to myself, “Hey, good job on making it through a few days without your normal eating behaviors.”  Also – and I love my dad deeply and sincerely – but his surprise stop in this week left our cabinets full of donuts and he put ice cream in the freezer so how’s that for an extra challenge?

On the other hand, almond butter isn’t half bad on apples and hot tea with no maple syrup is actually still quite pleasant.

Plus, what a surprising delight it is to experience this with my daughter.  A comrade is such a gift.

And with a sudden shift in topic, I have yet to thoroughly complete any one room in the house.  Not really.  There’s just still a decent amount of boxes in the barn and another room to finish before they can be fully unloaded.  I mean, the house is comfortable and wonderful and we’re loving it.  But for me, the greatest fun is decorating.  And I’m taking that a little slowly.  Which is fine.

I do love my bathroom.  My. Bathroom.  (What a nice ring that has to it.)

Here’s a tiny pictorial tour.

First – you know – the door.



And my favorite part is the storage for my earrings and necklaces and head wraps and such.  (All of my essentials.)



The top yellow rack is an old dishwasher rack I bought for $3 at the Habitat Restore probably four years ago.  It was green originally.  I used to have this in my kitchen with mini pottery mugs on it but I like its new life here too.

The necklace hanger I picked up when Martha’s Hardware closed down in TR – I forget its price but I think it was actually a freebie thrown in with my other purchases because it was just a piece of an old display rack.  I loved it immediately.  I think it would also look cool in a kitchen holding spoons or measuring cups.





It’s always the simple things with me – but this little spot is in daily use for me and it makes me happy.

Thank you guys for letting me ramble my way back into a decent mood with a post about nothing at all – sort of like a Seinfeld episode.

