
five finds friday (it’s four this week but who’s counting?)


All the days.  All the weeks.

Same song.  Same chorus.

They go so quickly.




We’re still laughing at Studio C.  Sometimes they’re just amusing and sometimes they’re downright hilarious.

Like this one ….





I’ve long wanted one of these leather ottoman pouf chair type things.  I don’t know what they’re supposed to be called.

I think these are great!



Shoot – just give me the entire room.  Books that you can only reach by ladder equals my dream living space.




God just uses whatever He wants to use and whomever He wants to use some days doesn’t he?

One day it’s a car that won’t start that shifts your day and allows you to actually be home when you had jobs you needed to do and places you were supposed to go but now you can breathe again because you kind of caught up on other tasks weighing you down.

And sometimes Facebook speaks to you – through a stranger because the internet is weird and we are living bizarre lives.

But this … from a post by Jen Hatmaker.

Hi! Just a reminder that you don’t have to show up to every fight you are invited to.

I keep getting invited to this one particular fight with this one particular person, and I AIN’T DOING IT. The amount of things it would accomplish: 0. The level of civility it would involve: 0. The progress it would generate: 0. The sincerity of the invitation: 0. The potential for understanding: 0.

Sometimes the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. We are not responsible for everyone else’s issues. Just because someone is demanding a response from you doesn’t mean you owe it. You are a grown adult that gets to exercise discernment when it comes to conflict, and some people are unsafe. The end. You may be invited to the Big Fight, but you get to choose to stay home and watch Netflix instead.

“But they are saying lies!”
“But they are mischaracterizing me!”
“But I need to defend myself!”
“But I want my side of the story on record!”
“But I need to set them straight!”

Sometimes these objections are true and require a thoughtful response, and sometimes we need to DROP IT because it isn’t going to do a lick of good. Don’t get baited into a fight when you know there will be two losers, no winners.

Let them duke it out with someone else.

Yes!  Yes to every single word.

All the feelings – they’re telling lies, I want to defend myself, they need to know the truth, etc etc etc forever and forever amen.

I don’t have to show up to every fight.

Man, that’s big for me right now.





