weekend ramblings (wrinkle in time & soccer photos & business talk)
It’s raining again and I can’t say I’m a fan.
This weekend I spent Friday night finishing the sixth Harry Potter – by far my favorite and also the saddest and also just a satisfying read. Friday night also found me folding gobs of laundry – this time all my own, guess I had been letting it slide – and catching up on the last two This Is Us episodes.
It was a good weekend to finish some nagging to-do lists, to get a handle on ye olde family budget (yikes – that was no fun) and to make a solid game plan for finishing the last ten weeks of school good and strong. (History tells me that I have always been a better starter than a finisher so I’m doing what I can to turn the tides here. Small steps – right? That’s still progress, or so I tell every one else except myself.)
There was a Saturday soccer game and it was photo day and you guys – the times have indeed changed. Let’s not waste our time gathering an entire team for their actual team photo, shall we? where’s the fun in that? Nah. Let’s just get every kid to pose individually whenever it works out and then later we’ll pay someone to photoshop these kids together as if they were in an actual team photo. I’m not making this up. This is what our local Y does. It feels wrong somehow. Also, not a fan.
Post soccer game I took a car load of teens (what – a car load of teens – is this my real life?) to see Wrinkle in Time. Everyone is going to have something to say about this movie. (Well, not everyone, of course. My dad won’t care about this movie. And probably like a billion other people won’t actually either But I think you get my point.) Anyway. You can obviously go see it for yourself and make your own call. I highly suggest forming your own informed opinion, in fact. Was it just like the novel? Have you read the novel? It would be pretty difficult to create a movie just like it. Did they take generous liberties with the family dynamic – leaving two kids in the family entirely out of the novel? Yes. Was there a sweeping world view of the universe being in you and you being a part of the universe? For sure. But in the end, I liked it. I walked away with a solid message that I’m alright with my kids hearing . . . Be comfortable with you the way you are. Your faults can also be your strengths. Your family is worth fighting for. Not all the voices in your head are kind and they should not all be listened to.
On Sunday some dear friends popped in for a short visit. We didn’t take a single photo and I don’t know why. But we had lunch and we had tea together and we just talked and it was lovely. They are a family I love seeing in action. I think they make a great marriage team, each comfortable in their own strengths and quick to laugh, at one another and together. I like being friends with them and I love every opportunity my kids have for seeing families like that together.
Sometimes I forget that I own a business. I mean, I don’t actually forget because there is something to do like every second of the day, but I mean – sometimes I forget how fun and surprising it is to own a business. To be in a place I didn’t think I would be, but to find that I am truly enjoying it. Last week there was an interview with a real estate company and dinner at a new restaurant in town and the selling of almost all of the hats I had printed (maybe I’ll remember to share those here this week). This week there’s a creamery tour and a meet up at an art gallery and stories to write and emails to return and details to organize and sometimes it’s overwhelming but it’s really quite enjoyable too.
This spring my baby reaches his last year of single digits and I welcome in a new teenager. (That makes three, if you’re keeping track.) Spring feels just within reach and with it the promise of more sunshine and a drive west and a break from structured education and I am a fan of all of those things.
What was your weekend full of and what does spring promise for you?
One Comment
Love your ramblings. It was a good weekend.