Mosely Ella Claiborne

Happy Birthday Mosely Elliot!


Today our home changes.

Today, for the first time in the history of our family, there are TWO teenagers living under our roof.

Two teenage girls.  They are both taller than me.  They are both better artists and better cooks than I am.  They both wear my clothes and they both have captured my whole heart.

Happy thirteenth birthday Mosely!


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Your brown eyes are expressive and lovely and you have been blessed with simply the most obedient hair on the planet.

You love Ryder with a deep and abiding affection and care daily for his needs.


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I love your new style of Manga drawing that is your current strong interest.  You are seldom without a novel to read and art supplies to create.

When you need alone time, you have no problem finding a quiet place for yourself and retreating to recharge.  That’s a skill so many adults have yet figured out how to master.

You love good books.  There was a time I thought reading would be your arch nemesis.  It was such a long road to where we are now – but goodness, look at you these days.  Big books.  Big ideas.  You love stories and words of all kinds.


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In our house, you are the only one who embraces an early bed time and an early wake time.  You find joy in the quiet puttering around in the morning.  You’re quick to finish your chores and you are almost always the first student done with her school list.  I can count on you to do your work well and thoroughly and that’s a special kind of diligence that I admire.

Beautiful Mosely, I love being your mom.  Your squeaky stretches and your long laughter and your lack of concern for fashion trends all add up to the unique and wonderful thirteen year old you.

Welcome to the teen years, birthday girl!  I think we’re all going to be just fine!


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