Five Finds Friday (fried eggs, pricey skirts and funny kids)
While lying in bed this week, my youngest son and I started a discussion about the quantity of hair upon his seven year old legs.
“I have tons,” he said.
To which I agreed.
And then he said, “Sometimes I lick it. It’s salty.”
During legging season, I like to wear them. Like, you know, every day.
And I’m not here to start a debate on whether leggings are pants because, well, the answer is in the title. Leggings. We call them leggings and not pants.
But hey, to each her own, and as long as you are not my daughter still living under my roof and wearing the clothing and the food purchased for you, then you may decide whatever you like about leggings.
I’m going to decide to wear them as leggings. With another additional article of clothing over the leggings — with that particular article of clothing falling at least below both the rear end and the front end.
I do agree, however, that just plain leggings are ridiculously comfortable and sometimes I just want some basic covering that allows me to wear said leggings with a favorite t-shirt.
Which brings me to this fantastic skirt that I long to own.

Now, it is doubtful that I ever actually will own this skirt. It is OVER $100. Which, wool or not, seems exorbitantly high for an “asset cover” as the website at Title Nine describes this little skirt.
But I love it all the same.
Fried eggs.
They taste good on EVERYTHING.
Toast a slice of homemade bread. Smear avocado on top. Add a fried egg.
For your burger, add a fried egg.
This week we had chicken and I needed a side – I cooked some quinoa, added random veggies we had on hand and then tossed in a couple of fried eggs to that quinoa veggie blend.
Fried egg equals food success.
Every week I am a broken record.
God meets my needs through people. He probably meets yours that way too.
On a Sunday afternoon, all I have to do is offer a look and a word or two and and I get the full attention, the hug that understands, the listening ear that – well – listens. I get the text that says “We’re here” and the friends that say, “I think you should let me take your kids out to dinner right now.”
I get to have those people – and I get to be those people.
A very very wise mother once told me, “If you are having children or raising kids because you hope they will one day say ‘thank you’, then you’re raising kids for the wrong reasons.” (Thanks Oma. You’re so right.)
But every now and again, one sort of does say thank you, in some form or another.
And it’s a nice, albeit fleeting, moment.
My grown up daughter (what?) shared recently on a website called The Archibald Project that promotes foster care and adoption.
It’s been a gift to move from mothering to friendship, slowly and gently.