today was a good day.
Some days are brighter than other days.
And on those days you collect all that good sunshine for the days that you know won’t be as bright.

For the days you know you’ll need to tap back into to silence the voices telling you about all that you’re missing and about what your kids are missing. Days when the sun is hidden behind the clouds and the clouds are all gray.
But today.
Today was not a gray day.
It was full of color and blue skies and crisp air and warm scones and cold cider. Filled up with memorized poems and pretty words and nature walks and watching children be genuinely kind to one another.
It was a very very good day.
One that I am glad that I lived.
The golden kind that feels like a gift wrapped up and given to me and to my kids.
A gift that I hope reminds them that they did, in fact, have slivers of lovely and bursts of happy in their childhoods. That All The Bad did not outweigh All The Good.
That the path is hard and it is sometimes dark but that they are never (not ever) walking that path alone.
I liked Today.
I’ll take all the Todays I can gather.
One Comment
Karen Boone
i’m so grateful you had yesterday. hold on to those golden moments. tuck them away to pull out when the clouds arrive.
love you.