Five Finds Friday (chocolate pudding and head wraps on sale. also cookie pigs.)
Friday comes in on little cat’s feet. No – wait, that’s the fog, right? It comes in on little cat’s feet in a poem – correct?
Yeah, who knows. That was probably a nerdy literary reference that only I think is funny.
That’s fine.
Let’s not mention it – okay?
This is a real cookie that one of our favorite bakeries sold to us.
What is happening here?
I don’t even know what it is I am supposed to be looking at. A mama pig? It’s too weird to consume.
Babies need fashion too. And babies need spit/drool/sweet potato puree catchers too.
And goodness knows – the cuter a baby looks, the happier we are to clean up his spit/drool/sweet potato puree stuff too. Kidding Kidding. We’ll clean up a baby’s stuff even if he ISN’T cute. Kidding Kidding. All babies are cute. (There. Is that better?)
Riley has connected with a creative and talented designer who runs a shop called Modern Munro.

She makes (yep – SHE MAKES) the cutest kids leggings (oh man – baby legs in baby leggings!) and bibdanas and really sweet headbands and head wraps that Riley wears so well.

Visit Modern Munro to see lots more of her cute fashions and styles. (Super sweet details and fabrics and patterns. You know I am sucker for all those fox patterns.)

Also – Modern Munro is offering a special SoEveryDay code just for you guys. If you decide to purchase anything, apply this code – EVERYDAY50 – to your order as you are checking out. (You’ll place your order, but before it is final you will be offered the opportunity to enter the code for a price reduction.) This code – EVERYDAY50 – will make your head wraps and bibdanas ALWAYS half priced. It’s like a Five Finds Friday EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Don’t thank me – thank Modern Munro. (And Riley!)

I made this homemade chocolate pudding recipe.
I thought it was delicious.
And the fancy was stepped up with homemade whipped cream (the easiest!) and shaved chocolate bits – my kids think that’s such an amazing touch.
What was NOT delicious was the stuff Beth and I had to eat when she was visiting.
We let the younger kids play their own version of the television show Chopped, where they had to create a recipe out of several random ingredients we offered to them.
Good grief – we should have thought through our offerings more seriously before we committed to eat three recipes consisting primarily of pickles, yogurt and peanut butter. For the love.
The internets lets you fall down into rabbit holes all the time what with the you tubes and the vimeos and the shares and the links and the stuff like that.
I stumbled across a shared video from someone or somebody and it was a short Beth Moore clip. Let’s not talk about what we think of Beth Moore in any direction – let’s talk about how all truth belongs to God and how He uses various vehicles to transport that truth to your head.
It’s a simple message but, for some reason, it struck home with me.
(This is the video. Ugh – I cannot locate it properly to play it right here!)
In the car today I retold Beth Moore’s shared story to the kids. I cried as I told them. Something about the beautiful hard truth of – “Look what we have lost. And look what we still have.” is the kind of heart hitting reality I live and breathe in, you know?
In light of the above video – in light of thinking about all that I have left – I am reminded of how much I genuinely love doing life with my kids.
One Comment
So much love for you and your sweet kids. Praying for you all, especially today.
And that cookie . . . what is this??!! NO.