
It’s The House’s Fault


Does your own life ever just carry you away?

No, I mean – for real.

Like – I’m asking myself, where did my entire last week GO?

My answer is – honestly – I think my house ate it.  My house ate my entire last week.

That – and school.  

Guess what friends – it takes a lot of a day to homeschool FIVE children.  Who knew?  (Oh wait – I sort of knew.  But then summer made me forget.  And now I am learning again.  Math times five is ….. too much math.)  When I forget to look at home education and my role in that as a full time job, I begin to over plan my days and get frustrated by my lack of free time during the day.  But when I remind myself that I DO have a full time job as an educator of a one-room schoolhouse for five students, then it helps me mentally to realign my thoughts along the right tracks.

Anyway.  This was going to be post about how my house ate my week.  Not about homeschool.

It was a classic case of One Thing Leads To Another.

Which I sort of mentioned earlier this week.  You know – the dead dryer, the bedrooms being rearranged, me realizing that every single thing on my walls is covered in a horrifying amount of dust and that IKEA trip and then deciding that our school room is the most underused home in our house lately as we have morphed to completing most of our schoolwork at the kitchen table.  I just couldn’t stop myself.  It’s been a whirlwind of clean and rearrange and redo and unearth wild and weird treasures and try to bury them again or throw them out in the trash when no child is looking.  I think the kids are exhausted from hearing me say, “How about ten more minutes of work before dinner?  Come on!  We can do it.  Teamwork – right, guys?”

I’ll tell you who has turned out to be an Ace Assistant after all, patient longer than the others, genuinely handy with a screwdriver and cheerful to boot.

This guy.


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Photo by Paper Story Photo & Design


Truthfully, the kids have all been stellar sports.  They’ve carried and cleaned and moved and toted and been all around super helpful.

Hopefully this week I will wrap up the last of my shifting rooms circus as I finish the schoolroom turned “library” and bring new order to the living room that I somehow am reluctantly dragging along into the Change It Up game by default as I pull pieces from here and there all over.

I don’t think of myself as really a One Track Mind kind of person.  I think I am a decent multi-tasker, but this week all my mental energies — and my physical ones too — are going into overdrive with reclaiming my house back from The Chaos I pushed it into.

Until then, if I go dark for several days – if your phone calls are unanswered and your texts receive no response, well – you know the reason.




One Comment

  • Lana

    I get it! We have four rooms of stuff crammed in to our master bedroom this morning so that we can get 1000 sq ft of new carpet installed today. I hope that by Saturday night we have it all back to where it goes. I get the school thing too and we always used the kitchen table, too. There is almost no finish left on mine and I thought I would never be able to bring myself to refinish it but now after 7 years post homeschooling I think the rosy glow is past.