give a good word
It’s wild what a good word can do.
The power of positive pouring out of your mouth.
I’ve unexpectedly teared up before (well, lots of times, alright) at the sound of kind words I didn’t know I needed to hear.
Text messages with encouragement.
A hand on the shoulder at a social function, a direct look into the eyes and a couple of sentences about something you’re doing right, instead of the stack of things your brain says you are doing wrong.
A letter that arrives in the mail with a hand written word expressing how a friend sees you with eyes you would never use to see yourself.
It’s the most remarkable sensation.
The lifting of spirit and heart and mind, elevated to a new height, through the simple words of kindness, thoughtfulness, hope.
Use your words, friends.
Use them for good.
They really do matter.
You’ve got this power – right at the tip of your tongue – to impart this powerful game changer. To shine light in the dark. To speak words praiseworthy and true, encouraging and helpful.
Do this for your friends.
Do this for strangers.
I love watching a stranger shift their expression when they hear a compliment offered, an unexpected gift that changes the course of their day.
Make this a habit.
This offering of good words.
Thank you for this reminder. Even though we are walking through what feels like the pit of despair, it is not a time to wallow, but a time to continue encouraging others who are going through their own battles.
I like to compliment young Moms in the grocery store, especially ones juggling toddlers and bagging their own groceries in Aldi. I can just see them light up and relax and perhaps it makes me more happy then them.