Five Finds Friday (fifteen) (loose tooth and BBQ sauce. unrelated.)
Hooray. It’s Friday.
I have six children.
They each have a mouth.
And in those six mouths you would find the normal human amount of teeth.
And – during the course of five of their lives – they have all lost the normal amount of baby teeth.
I’m not great at math and I’m unwilling to figure out the exact number but you can assume with me that the baby teeth lost numbers are high in this family.
Yesterday Otto – the baby of the family and the Keigley with the most baby teeth still in his mouth – lost his FIRST tooth.
It was perfect poetic justice that the oldest child happened to be over for a visit and offered to pull the youngest child’s tooth.
No other Keigley kid would have ever offered and no other Keigley kid would have ever accepted. It was something else. Riley was well known amongst our family for pulling her own teeth – maybe a little too early and maybe a little too aggressively and maybe a little too joyfully.
Such teamwork. Stoic faced little Otto. A trace of fear but mostly curiosity and determination in his six year old eyes. A Big Deal – this first tooth. Riley was determined too but it was actually her first time to pull a tooth from someone else’s mouth.
The Last First Tooth.
I feel kind of seriously emotional about it. (Who am I?)
I don’t pull teeth. Or touch loose teeth really.
I held Otto’s hand at his request and I looked the other way during the entire process.
That’s how I roll.
Then – those crazy six kids and one cute grandkid – stared me down and kind of ganged up on me in their outnumbering me way and insisted that the First Last Tooth in our house deserved FIFTEEN dollars!!!!
What is happening here?
I didn’t agree to any such extortion, but I couldn’t help laughing at the sight of seven sets of eyes staring at me and insisting on the same thing – and the mom in me loved their group mindedness and just seeing them all together in such a hilariously united cause.
Oh yeah.
This one again?
I just – I don’t even know this week.
Is it fashionable to organize your storage space and discover a suitcase your oldest daughter never fully unpacked from her trip to Nepal several years ago and to unearth some Nepali dress/shirt that she wore and to wash it and then wear it maybe three times within one week because it was cute and – better than cute – extremely comfortable?
Trader Joe’s is my crutch.
I have a hard time shopping elsewhere.
They just came out with a new BBQ sauce.
It. Is. Delicious.
Stick it in your cart next time.
I used it to make one of the world’s easiest dinners ever. BBQ chicken drumsticks.
This week it’s simple.
And it’s true.
He is good.
God is capable.
He keeps reminding me through people and the things those people do that He is handling it all.
A month ago I asked you guys to complete a survey for me.
It was for a homeschool resource company called Timberdoodle.
I had applied to be on their 2016 team of blog reviewers for their website.
You guys – you must have filled out the survey and said nice things because —-
I made their 2016 Team and I get to begin my reviews in March!
I can’t wait – getting free homeschool supplies and telling you what I think about it – what could be more fun?
Thank you!!
Had that BBQ sauce in my hand the last time I was at Trader Joe’s, but What was i thinking. I now I regret my decision. The next time I will definitely stick.!!! (I always get the Carolina Gold. You tried that one? It makes a great salad dressing with this recipe, though i use a lot more bbq sauce than the recipe calls for. )Thanks for the recommendation. : )
Congratulations on joining the Timberdoodle team! I’m excited for you.
Love the tooth story! Those kiddos are growing up! And the suitcase—I thought those things only happened here.
Trader Joe’s always just looks like prepackaged food to me and I know it is not but I can never figure how we could eat from just there. It’s okay though since I live in S’brg and Woodruff Rd I can just avoid for the rest of my life. I love Aldi though. And the Aldi prices.
Have a happy weekend!